The band gap in germanium is (ΔE=0.68eV.).Assuming that the number of hole-electron pairs is proportional to e^(-Delta E//2kT),find the percentage increase in the number of charge carries in pure germanium as the temperature is increased form 300K to 320K.
The number of charge carries in an intrinsic semiconductor is double the number of hole-electron pairs if N1 be the number of charge carries at temperature T1 and N2 at T2, we have
and N2=N0e−ΔE/2kT2
The percentage increase as the temperature is raised from T1 to T2 is
Now ΔE2k(1T1−1T2)=0.68eV2×8.62×10−5eV/K(1300K−1320K)=0.82
Thus, the number of charge carries increase by about 127%
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