The lower end of a capillary tube of diameter 2.00 mm is dipped 8.00 cm below the surface of water is a beaker. What is the pressure required in the tube in order to blow a hemispherical bubble at its end in water? The surface tension of water at temperature of the experiments is 7.30×102Pa, density of water =1000kg/m3, g=9.80ms2, also calculate the excess pressure.

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The excess pressure in a bubble of gas in a liquid is given by 2σ/r, where σ is the surface tension of the liquid-gas interface. You should note there is only one liquid surface in this case. [For a bubble of liquid in a gas, there are two liquid surfaces. So, the formula for excess pressure in that case is 4σ/r]. The radius of the bubble is r. Now the pressure outside the bubble, pout equals atmospheric pressure plus the pressure due to 8.00cm of water column.
Therefore, the pressure in side the bubble is pin=pout+2σ/r
= 1.01784×105+(2×7.3×102/103)=(1.01784+0.00146)×105=1.02×105Pa


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