A block of mas m is placed on a triangular block of mas m, which in tunis placed on a horizontal surface as shown in figure. Assuming frictionless surfaces find the velocity of the triangular block when the smaller block reaches the bottom end.
Solution in Tamil
The correct Answer is:A, B, C
The block m will slide down the inclined pklane of mass M with aceleration a1=gsinα (relative) to the inclined plane.
The horizontal component of a1 will be ax=gsinαcosα,forwhichtheblcokMwillae≤rate→wards≤ft,≤ttehae≤rationbea_2.<br>Aord∈g→theconceptofcentreofmass,(∈thehorizontldirecrtionexterNAlforceiszero)<br>ma_x=(M+m)a_2<br>rarr a_2=(ma_x)/(M+m)<br>=(mgsiN/Alpha cosalpha)/(M+m)......i<br>>sothe|o|lute(ress–tant)ae≤rationofmontheblockMalongthedirectionofthe∈cl∈ewillbe<br>a=gsiN/Alpha-a_2cosalpha<br>=gsiN/Alpha- (mgsiN/Alphacos^2alpha)/(M+m)<br>=gsiN/Alpha[1-(mcos^2alpha)/(M+m)]<br>=g sin alpha[(M+m-mcos^2alpha)/(M+m)]<br>So,a=g siN/Alpha [(M+msin^2alpha)/(M+m)]...ii<br>Letthetimetakenbytheblockm→reachthe⊥→mendbet<br>Now, S=ut+(1/2)at^2<br>rarrh/(siN/Alpha)=(1/2)at^2<br>rarr t=(sqrt(2h)/(a siN/Alpha))<br>So,thevelocityofthebig≥rblockaftertimetwillbe<br>v_m=u=a_2t<br>=(mgsiN/Alphacosalpha)/(M+m)<br>⎛⎝√2hαsiNAlpha⎞⎠
now substituting the value of a from equtioin ii we get
or Vm=⎡⎢⎣2m2ghcos2α((M+m)(M+msin2α)]12
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