Show that two equal masses undergo oblique elastic collision will move at right angles after collision , if the second body initialyy at rest . Solution in Telugu

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Oblique elastic collision : If the centres of mass of the colliding bodies are not initially moving along the line of impact, then the impact is called oblique collision
Two equal masses undergo oblique elastic will move at right angles after collosion,if the second body initially at rest :
Consider two smooth and perfectly elastic spheres of masses m1andm2. Let u1andu2 be their initial velocities before collision . Let v1andv2 be their final velocities after collision . (α,β)and(θ,ϕ) are the angles, the directions of motion make with the line of impact before collision and after collision
Since the spheres are smooth, there is no (impulse) change of velocities perpendicular to the time of impact. Hence the resolved part of velocity of the two spheres int he direction perpendicular to the line of impact remain unchanged
and v2sinϕ=u2β...(2)
According to the principle of conservation of momentum, the sum of the moment of the two spheres along the line of impact before collision and after collision are equal .
According to the principle of conservation of kinetic energy, the sum of the K.E along the lien of impact before and after are equal
and v2cosϕ=v1cosθ+u1cosαu2cosβ....(7)
sub. equation (6) in equation (3) , we get
and v2cosϕ=(m2m1m1+m2)u2cosβ+(2m1u1m1=m2)cosα...(9)
If u2=0andm1=m2 then equation (2) we get ϕ=0 and from equation (8),θ=90 . This means that if a sphere of mass .m. collides obliquely on another perfectly elastic sphere of the same mass at rest the directions of motions of the spheres after impact will be at right angles
