This interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc.
Considre the strips to be thick as compared to wavelength of ligth and light is incident normally.
Neglect the effect due to reflection from top surface of strip 1 and bottom surface of strip 2. Take L=5cm and λair=40nm.

For strip 1 refractive index is 1.34 abd for strip 2 refractive index is 1.6 The wedge. is filled with a medium having refractive index 1.5. Then
the band jat contact point would be dark
the band at contact point would be bright
at contact point, maxima or minima occurs
at contact point, uniform illumination would be there
The correct Answer is:b
For reflection from bottom layer of strip 1 as well as for top surface of strip 2, phase shift to π takes place. So, conditions for maxima is 2t=nλmedium and condition for minima is 2t=(2n−1)λmedium/2.
So, contact would be bright as here path difference is 0.
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View SolutionThis interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc. Considre the strips to be thick as compared to wavelength of ligth and light is incident normally. Neglect the effect due to reflection from top surface of strip 1 and bottom surface of strip 2. Take L = 5 cm and lambda_(air) = 40 nm . Consider an air wedge formed by two glass plates. having refractive index 1.5 by placing a piece of paper of thickness 20 mm. Determine the number of dark bands formed.
View SolutionThis interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc.
Considre the strips to be thick as compared to wavelength of ligth and light is incident normally.
Neglect the effect due to reflection from top surface of strip 1 and bottom surface of strip 2. Take L=5cm and λair=40nm.
For strip 1 refractive index is 1.34 abd for strip 2 refractive index is 1.6 The wedge. is filled with a medium having refractive index 1.5. Then
View SolutionThis interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc.
Considre the strips to be thick as compared to wavelength of ligth and light is incident normally.
Neglect the effect due to reflection from top surface of strip 1 and bottom surface of strip 2. Take L=5cm and λair=40nm.
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View SolutionThis interference film is used to measure the thickness of slides, paper, etc. The arrangement is as shown in fig. For the sake of clarity, the two strips are shown thick. Consider the wedge formed in between strips 1 and 2. If the interference pattern because of the two waves reflected from wedge surface is observed, then from the observed data we can compute thickness of paper, refractive index of the medium filled in wedge, number of bonds formed, etc. Considre the strips to be thick as compared to wavelength of ligth and light is incident normally. Neglect the effect due to reflection from top surface of strip 1 and bottom surface of strip 2. Take L = 5 cm and lambda_(air) = 40 nm . For data in question53 determine the distance of point B from the 20th dark band. Counting of dark point has to start from the contact point.
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6. If the thickness of film in above question in not technologically possible to manufacture, then next thickness of film required is (approximately)
View SolutionFor observing interference in thin films with a light of wave length lamda the thickness of the film:
View Solutionस्लाइड या कागज की मोटाई को मापने के लिए पतली व्यतिकरण फिल्म का उपयोग किया जाता है। यह व्यवस्था चित्र में प्रदर्शित है।
चित्र की स्पष्टता के लिए दो पत्तियों को मोटा प्रदर्शित किया गया है। माना पट्टी 1 व 2 पट्टी के मध्य एक तिर्यक फिल्म निर्मित होती है। इससे होने वाले व्यतिकरण का प्रेक्षण किया जाता है। प्राप्त आँकड़ों से हम कागज की मोटाई, माध्यम का अपवर्तनांक व फ्रिन्ज संख्या आदि की गणना कर सकते है।
माना पट्टी की मोटाई प्रकाश की तरंगदैर्ध्य के समान क्रम की है तथा प्रकाश अभिलम्ब आपतित है। पट्टी 1 की ऊपरी सतह व पट्टी 2 की निचली सतह से होने वाले परावर्तन के प्रभाव को नगण्य माना जा सकता है।
L=5 सेमी, λवायु = 400 नैनोमीटर
20 माइक्रोमीटर मोटाई के कागज को रखकर 1.5 अपवर्तनांक की दो काँच की पट्टिकाओं की सहायता से वायु की तिर्यक फिल्म बनाई जाती है। काली फ्रिन्जो की संख्या होगी
View Solutionस्लाइड या कागज की मोटाई को मापने के लिए पतली व्यतिकरण फिल्म का उपयोग किया जाता है। यह व्यवस्था चित्र में प्रदर्शित है।
चित्र की स्पष्टता के लिए दो पत्तियों को मोटा प्रदर्शित किया गया है। माना पट्टी 1 व 2 पट्टी के मध्य एक तिर्यक फिल्म निर्मित होती है। इससे होने वाले व्यतिकरण का प्रेक्षण किया जाता है। प्राप्त आँकड़ों से हम कागज की मोटाई, माध्यम का अपवर्तनांक व फ्रिन्ज संख्या आदि की गणना कर सकते है।
माना पट्टी की मोटाई प्रकाश की तरंगदैर्ध्य के समान क्रम की है तथा प्रकाश अभिलम्ब आपतित है। पट्टी 1 की ऊपरी सतह व पट्टी 2 की निचली सतह से होने वाले परावर्तन के प्रभाव को नगण्य माना जा सकता है।
L=5 सेमी, λवायु = 400 नैनोमीटर
यदि पट्टी 1 का अपवर्तनांक = 1.34, पट्टी 2 का अपवर्तनांक = 1.6 तथा तिर्यक फिल्म के माध्यम का अपवर्तनांक 1.5 हो, तो
View Solutionएक काँच की पट्टी की मोटाई t मीटर है। यदि पट्टी का अपवर्तनांक n तथा प्रकाश की चाल c हो, तो पट्टी को पार करने में लगा समय होगा
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