An elevator is descending with uniform acceleration.To measure the acceleration, a person in the elevator drops a coin at momen the elevator strts. The coin is 6 ft asbove the floor of the elevator at the time it is dropped. The person observes that the coin strikes the floor in 1 second. Calculate these dta the acceleration of the elevator.
Method 1: Observation from fround frame
Let us assume that the elevator has a velocity v0 when the coin loses contact with the elevator aat time t.Lettheco∈stsrikethebaseofthee≤va→raftertimet=T,justbelowthep∮ofl∞singcontactwith∞foftheco∈.<br>IntimeT,thee≤vatiormovesupthedisplacementy(upward)andtheco∈has≠tdisplacement(h-y')=y(downward)<br><imga≤ocr_imageload∈g=lazysrc=≤=background:white;>.<br>Formotionofco∈:<br>Displacementofe≤va→rdur∈gtim=-y=-(h-y)<br>UsingequationS=ut+(1)/(2) at^(2),<br>-(h-y'=v_(0)T-(1)/(2) g T^(2)(i)<br>Formotionofe≤va→r:<br>Displacementofe≤va→rdur∈gtimeT=+y'<br>=y'=v_(0)T+(1)/(2)aT^(2)<br>Add∈g(i)and(ii),wehaveh=(1)/(2)(g+a)T^(2)<br>ThisyieldsT=sqrt(2h)/(g+a)<br>Method2:Analyzethemotionofco∈withrespect→theobserversstand∈g∈thee≤va→r.Astheco∈re≤asesomrest∈se≤va→r,itsvelocitywithrespect→groundqual→thevelocityofe≤va→r.<br>Initialrelativevelocityofco∈w.r.tobserver∈thee≤va→r,<br>[vec u_(coin)]_(elevator)=[vec u_(coin)]_(ground)-[vec u_(elevator)]_(ground)=u-u=0<br>andae≤rationofequationforrelativemotion<br>[vec s_(coin)]_(elevator)=[vec u_(coin)]_(clevator)[vec u _(coin)]_(elevator)t+(1)/(2)[vec a_(coin)]_(elevator)t^(2)<br>-h=0 p-(1)/(2)(g+a)t^(2)<br>Thisyildst=sqrt(2h)/(g+a).
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