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Two masses m1andm2 re connected by a spring of spring constant k and are placed on as frictionless horizontal surface. Initially the spring is stretched through a distance x0 when the system is released from rest. Find the distance moved by the two masses before they again come to rest.

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To solve the problem of two masses m1 and m2 connected by a spring with spring constant k on a frictionless surface, we need to determine the distance moved by the two masses before they come to rest again after being released from an initial stretch x0.

1. Understand the Initial Setup:
- The two masses m1 and m2 are connected by a spring that is initially stretched by a distance x0.
- The natural length of the spring is L0, so the initial length of the spring when stretched is L0+x0.

2. Release from Rest:
- When the system is released from rest, the spring will exert forces on both masses, causing them to move.

3. Final Condition:
- The masses will come to rest again when the spring is compressed by the same amount x0. Thus, the final length of the spring will be L0x0.

4. Calculate the Total Movement:
- The total change in length of the spring from its initial stretched position to its final compressed position is:
- This means that the total distance moved by both masses combined is 2x0.

5. Displacement of Each Mass:
- Let x1 be the displacement of mass m1 and x2 be the displacement of mass m2.
- The relationship between the displacements is given by the conservation of momentum and the center of mass remaining stationary:
- This implies:

6. Sum of Displacements:
- The total displacement is:
- Substituting x1 in terms of x2:
- Factoring out x2:

7. Solving for x2:
- Rearranging gives:

8. Finding x1:
- Using the relationship x1=m2m1x2:

Final Result:
- The distances moved by the masses before they come to rest again are:
- Mass m1 moves x1=2m2x0m1+m2
- Mass m2 moves x2=2m1x0m1+m2

Updated on:18/9/2024

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