Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

If cosecA=2, find the value of 1tanA+sinA1+cosA

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the problem, we need to find the value of the expression:


Given that cosA=2, we first need to check if this value is valid. The cosine function has a range of (1,1), so cosA=2 is not possible. Therefore, we cannot proceed with the calculation directly as it stands.

However, let's assume the problem has a typographical error and we will proceed with the calculations assuming a valid value for cosA.

Let's assume cosA=12 (which corresponds to A=60 or A=300).

Step 1: Find sinA and tanA
Using the identity sin2A+cos2A=1:




Now, we can find tanA:


Step 2: Substitute values into the expression
Now substitute tanA, sinA, and cosA into the expression:


Substituting the values:


Step 3: Simplify the second term
Calculate 1+12=32:


Step 4: Find a common denominator
The common denominator for 3 and 3 is 33:


Final Result
Thus, the final value of the expression is:

