Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


A ball of mass m falls from a certain height on the pan of mass M M >> m of a spring balance. The rigidity of the spring is k.Determine the displacement Δx of the point about which the pointer of the balance will oscillate assuming that the collisions of the ball with the pan are perfectly elastic.

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Let the ball of mass m falling from a height h elastically collide with a stationary horizontal surface. Assuming that the time of collision of the ball with the surface is small in comparison with the time interval Δt between two consecutive collisions we obtainAs a result of each collision the momentum of the ball changes byTherefore the same momentumis transferred to the horizontal surface in one collision.In order to determine the mean farce exerted by the ball on the horizontal surface we consider the time interval τ >> Δt. The momentum transferred to the horizontal surface during the time τ isConsequently the force exerted by the jumping ball on the horizontal surface and averaged during the time interval τ can be obtained from the relationBy hypothesis the mass M of the pan of the balance is much larger than the mass m of the ball. Therefore slow vibratory motion of the balance pan will be superimposed by nearly periodic Fm = mg. Consequently the required displacement Δx of the equilibrium position of the balance is impacts of the ball. The mean force exerted by the ball on the pan is

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