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A system consists of two identical cubes each of mass m linked together by the compressed weightless spring of stiffness x Fig. 1.41. The cubes are also connected by a thread which is burned through at a certain moment. Find:a at what values of Δl the initial compression of the spring the lower cube will bounce up after the thread has been burned through:b to what height h the centre of gravity of this system will rise if the initial compression of the spring Δl = 7 mg/x.

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a The initial compression in the spring Δl must be such that after burning of the thread the upper cube rises to a height that produces a tension in the spring that is at least equal to the weight of the lower cube. Actually the spring will first go from its compressed state to its natural length and then get elongated beyond this natural length. Let l be the maximum elongation produced under these circumstances. Then kl = mg    1 Now from energy conservation b Let v the velocity of upper cube at the position say at C when the lower block breaks off the floor then from energy conservation.

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