Class 11 | PHYSICS |
DC PANDEY ENGLISH | Comprehension Type Questions |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 1
A circular disc A of radius r is made from an iron plate of thickness t and another circular disc B of radius 4r is made from an iron plate of thickness t/4. The relation between the moments of inertia IA and IB is (about an axis passing through centre and perpendicular to the disc)View SolutionQuestion 17
Two men each of mass m stand on the rim of a horizontal circular disc, diametrically opposite to each other. The disc has a mass M and is free to rotate about a vertical axis passing through its centre of mass. Each mass start simultaneously along the rim clockwise and reaches their original starting positions on the disc. The angle turned through by disc with respect to the ground (in radian) isView SolutionQuestion 19
Two rings of same radius and mass are placed such that their centres are at a common point and their planes are perpendicular to each other. The moment of inertia of the system about an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to the plane of one of the rings is (mass the ring =m, radius=r) View SolutionQuestion 30
A uniform cube of side and mass m rests on a rough horizontal surface. A horizontal force F is applied normal to one face at point that is directly above the centre of the face at a height a4 above the centre. The minimum value of F for which the cube begins to topple above an edge without sliding isView SolutionQuestion 33
A circular platform is mounted on a vertical frictionless axle. Its radius is r=2m and its moment of inertiaI=200kgm2. It is initially at rest. A 70kg man stands on the edge of the platform and begins to walk along the edge at speed v0=1ms−1 relative to the ground. The angular velocity of the platform is: a) 1.2 rad/s b) 0.4 rad/s c) 0.7 rad/s d) 2 rad/sView SolutionQuestion 44
A soldi sphere a hollow sphere and a disc, all haing same mass and radius are placed at the top of an incline and released. The friction coefficients between the objects and the incline are same and not sufficient to allow pure rolling. Least time will be taken in reaching the bottom byView SolutionQuestion 50
A solid uniform sphere rotating about its axis with kinetic energy E1 is gently placed on a rough horizontal plane at time t=0, Assume that, at time t=t1, it starts pure rolling and at that instant total KE of the sphere is E2. After sometime, at time t=t2. KE of the sphere is E3. ThenView SolutionQuestion 53
Two cylinders having radii 2R and R and moment of inertia 4I and I about their central axes are supported by axles perpendicular to their planes. The large cylinder is initially rotating clockwise with angular velocity ω0. The small cylinder is moved to the right until it touches the large cylinder and is caused to rotate by the frictional force between the two. Eventually slipping ceases and the two cylinders rotate at constant rates in opposite directions. During thisQuestion 54
A weightless rod of length 2l carries two equal masses 'm', one tied at lower end A and the other at the middle of the rod at B. The rod can rotate in vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis passing thriugh C . The rod of is released from rest in horizontal possion. The speed of the mass B at the instant rod become vertical is:Question 56
The moment of inertia of a dumb bell consisting of two identical uniform solid spheres of mass m and radius R each, joined by a thin metallic rod of equal mass m (separation between the centres of the spheres is 6R) is I about the axis AB. Its moment of inertia, about an axis making an angle of 45∘ with AB, isQuestion 62
Consider the moment of inertia I of the rigid homogeneous disc of mass M as shown in the figure about an axis passing through its centre (different shadings only differentiate the two parts of the disc each with equal mass M/2). Which one of the following statements concerning I is correct?Question 68
A uniform cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls without slipping down a slope of angle 8 with horizontal. The cylinder is connected to a spring of force constant k at the centre, the other side of which is connected to a fixed support at A. The cylinder is released when the spring is unstretched. The· force of friction (f):Question 70
In both the figures all other factors are same, except that in figure (i) AB is rough and BC is smooth while in figure (ii) AB is smooth and BC is rough. In figure (i), if a sphere is released from rest it starts rolling. Now consider the figure (ii), if same sphere is A released from top of the inclined plane, what will be the kinetic energy of the sphere on reaching the bottom:Question 76
A uniform ring of mass m and radius R is released from top of an inclined plane. The plane makes an angle θ with horizontal. The cofficent of friction between the ring and plane is μ. Initially, the point of contact of ring and plane is P. Angular momentum of ring about an axis passing from point P and perpendicular to plane of motion as a function of time t isView SolutionQuestion 77
A wheel ios rolling without sliding on a horizontal surface. The centre of the wheelk moves with a constant speed v0. Consider a point P on the rim which is at the top at time t=0. The square of speed of point P is plooted against time t. The correct plot is (R is radius of the wheel)View SolutionQuestion 84
Choose the correct option:Question 85
Choose the correct option:Question 88
Two particles A and B are situated at a distance d=2m apart. Particle A has a velocity of 10m/s at an angle of 60∘ and particle B has a velocity v at an angle 30∘ as shown in figure. The distance d between A and B is constant. the angular velocity of B with respect to A is :Question 92
Choose the correct option:Question 97
A spherical body of radius R is allowed to roll down on an incline with out slipping and it recheas with a speed v0 at the bottom. The incline is then made smooth by waxing and the body is allowed top slide without rolling and now the speed attained is 54v0 The radius of gyration of the body about an axis passing through the centre isView SolutionQuestion 104
In the figure shown mass of both, the spherical body and blocks is m. Moment of inertia of the spherical body about centre of mass is 2mR2. The spherical body rolls on the horizontal surface. There is no sliping between any two surfaces in contact. The ratio of kinetic energy of the spherical body to that of block isQuestion 109
A uniform rod AB of length L and mass M is lying on a smooth table. A small particle if mass m strike the rod with velocity v0 at point C at a distance comes to rest after collision. Then find the value of x, so that point A of the rod remains stationary just after collision.Question 116
A uniform rod of mass m and length 2a lies at rest on rotating with angular speed ω0=40rad/s is placed between two smooth walls on a rough ground. Distance between the walls is slightly greater than the lenght of the rod . Cofficent of friction between the rod and the ground is μ=0.1. rod will stop rotating after time t=.......s.View SolutionQuestion 117
A solid sphere of mass 5 kg and and radius 1 m after rotating with angular speed ω0=40rad/s is placed between two smooth walls on a rough ground. Distance between the walls is slightely greater than the diameter of the sphere. Coffiecient of friction between the sphere and the ground is μ=0.1. sphere will stop rtotating after time t = ...........s .Question 122
Uniform rod AB is hinged at the end A in the figure. The other end of the rod is connected to a block through a massless string as shown. The pulley is smooth and massless. Masses of the block and the rod are same and are equal to 'm'. Acceleration due to gravity is g. The tension in the thread and angular acceleration of the rod just after releases of block from this position areQuestion 123
A uniform rod of mass m, length l is placed over a smooth horizontal surface along y -axis and is at rest as shown in figure. An impulsive force F is applied for a small time Δt along x-direction at point A. The x-coordinte of end A of the rod when the rod becomes parallel to x-axis for the first is (in itially the coordinates opf centre of mass of the rod is (0,0).Question 124
A uniform rectangular plate of mass m which is free to rotate about the smooth vwerticle hinge passing through the centre and perpendicular to the plate, is lying on a smooth horizontal surface. A particle of mass m is moving with speed 'u' collides with the plate and sticks to it as shown in figure. The angular velocity of the platye after colli9sion will beQuestion 126
A particle is attached to the lower end of a uniform rod which is hinged at its other end as shown in the figure. Another identical particle moving horizontally, collides inelastically and sticks to it. The minimum speed of moving particle so that the rod with particle performs circular motion in a vertical plane will be: [length of the rod is l, consider masses of both particle and rod to be same]Question 127
An equilateral prism of mass m rests on a rough horizontal surface with cofficent of friction μ. A horizontal force F is applied on the prism as shown in the figure. If the cofficent of the friction is sufficently high so that the prism does not slide before toppling, then the minimum force required to topple the prism isQuestion 128
Choose the correct option:Question 130
A rod of negligble mass and length l is pioveted at its centre. A particle of mass m is fixed to its left end and another particle of mass 2 m is fixed to the right end. If the system is released from rest and after sometime becomes verticle, The speed v of the two mases and angular velocity at that instant areQuestion 132
A system of identical cylinders and plates is shown in Fig. All the cylinders are identical and there is no slipping at any contact. The velocity of lower and upper plates are V and 2V, respectively, as shown in Fig. Then the ratio of angular speeds of the upper cylinders to lower cylinders isQuestion 136
A uniform solid cylinder of mass 5kg and radius 0.1m is resting on a horizontal platform (parallel to the x-y plane) and is free to rotate about its axis along the y-axis the platform is given a motion in the x direction given by x=0.2 cos (10t) m if there is no slipping then maximum torque acting on the cylinder during its motion is View SolutionQuestion 137
A rod lying on a frictionless horizontal surface is initially given an anglular velocity ω about vertical axis which passes through center of mass. The centre of mass is at rest but not fixed. The length of the rod is L. Subsequently, end A of the rod collides with nail P, which is near to A such that end A becomes stationery immediately after impact. Velocity of end B just after collision will beQuestion 140
A disc of mass M and radius R is placed on a rough horizontald surface. A light rod of length 2R is fixed to the disc at pointt A as shown in figure and force 32 Mg is applied at the other end of the rod. Find the minimum value of coefficient of friction (upto on decimal place ) between disc and horizontal surface, so that disc starts to roll without slipping .Question 141
A uniform rod of mass m , length l moving with a velocity v ( perpendicular to its length ) on a smooth horizontal plane, encounters a fixed peg P at a distance l/4 from its nearer end. The rod collides with the peg. The duration of impact Δt is very small. The average force exerted by the peg on the rod during the impact is of magnitude.Question 142
An ideal inextensible string is wrapped over the disc of mass m and radius R. The other end of the string is connected to mass m. the string is passing over an ideal pulley A as shown in the figure. At any time t, mass m and disc are moving downward with acceleration of magnitude a1 and a2 respectively. The disc is rotating clockwise with angular acceleration of magnitude α . There is no slipping betweeb string and disc. choose the incorrect optionQuestion 143
Question 144
The wheel of radius R rolls wihtout slipping on horizontal rough surface and its centre O has an acceleration a0 in forward direction. A point P on the wheel is a distance r from O and angular position θ from horizontal. Find the angle θ for which point P can have zero acceleration in this position .Question 145
A string is warapped around a cylinder of mass m and radius r. The string is also connected to a block of same mass m with the help of another pulley as shown in figure. The angular acceleration of the cylinder is ( friction is sufficient for rolling ) ( all pulleys are ideal)Question 147
A small disc is released from rest at A on an inclined plane AB so that it rolls down without slipping. It reaches the bottom with linear velocity v1 in time t1. Next a small ring released form rest on the inclined plane AC so that it rolls down without slipping. It reaches the bottom with linear vlocity v2 in time t2. Given θ1=30∘,θ2=60∘, and h=10m. Then,Question 148
A solid ball is realeased from rest down inclines of various inclination angle θ but through a fixed vertical height h. The coefficient of static and kinetic friction are both equal to μ. Which of the following graph best represents the total kinetic energy K of the ball at the bottom of the incline as a function of the angle θ of the incline?View SolutionQuestion 150
A uniform bar of length 6a and mass 8m lies on a smooth horizontal table. Two point masses m and 2m moving in the same horizontal plane with speeds 2v and v, respectively, strike the bar (as shown in the figure) and stick to the bar after collision. Denoting angular velocity (about the centre of mass), total energy and centre of mass velocity by ω, E and VC, respectively, we have after collisionQuestion 153
Choose the correct option:Question 158
The end B of the rod AB which makes angle θ with the floor is being pulled with a constant velocity v0 as shown. The length of the rod is l. At the instant when θ=37∘Question 162
A uniform disc is rotating at a constantt speed in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis passing through the centre of the disc. A piece of the disc from its rim detaches itself from the disc at the instant when it is at horizontal level with the centre of the disc and moving upward. Then about the fixed axis, the angular speed of the View SolutionQuestion 171
A uniform thin rod AB of mass M and length l attached to a string OA of length =12 is supported by a smooth horizontal plane and rotates with angular velocity ω around a vertical axis through O. A peg P is inserted in the plane in order that on striking it the rod will come to rest.Question 172
A ball is projected with velocityd of 20√2 m/s at an angle of 45∘ with horizontal and at the same instant another plate is rotating with constant angular velocity ω=π4 rad/sec in vertical plane as shown in the figure ( assume the length of plate is sufficient for collision to take place). If the mass of the plate is much larger than the mass of the ball, the plate is initially in horizontal position and collision is perfectly elastic, then choose the correct statement (s)Question 174
A massless spool of inner radius r outer radius R is placed against a vertical wall and a titled split floor as shown. A light inextensible thread is tightly wound around the spool through which a mass m is hainging. There exists no friction at point A, while the coefficient of friction between the spool and point B is μ. The angle between the two surface is θQuestion 175
Two particles each of mass m are attached at end points of a massless rod AB of length l. Rod is hinged at point C as shown. Rod is released from rest from horizontal position. At the instant when rod reaches its vertical position as shown, which of the following is / are correct:Question 176
A rod CD of length L and mass m is placed horizontally on a frictionless horizontal surface as shown. A second identical rod AB which is also placed horizontally ( perpendicular to CD) on the same horizontal surface is moving along the surface with a velocity v in a direction perpendicular to rod CD and its and B strikes the rod CD at end C and sticks to it rigidity. Then,Question 178
A thin uniform rod of mass 5 kg and length 1 m is held in horizontal position with the help of strings attachedd to ends of rod. Other ends of strings are held by some external agent. Now end A is pulled down with speed vA=3t and end B is pulled down with speed vB=t , where t is time in second. Choose the correct choice(s)Question 180
A particle of mass 'm' is attached to the rim of a uniform disc of mass 'm' and radius R. The disc is rolling wihtout slipping on a stationery horizontal surface as shown in the figure. At a particular instant, the particle is at the topmost position and centre of the disc has speed v0 amd its angular speed is ω. Choose the correct option (s).View SolutionQuestion 182
A particle of mass m and velocity v0 is fired at a solid cylinder of mass M and radius R. The cylinder is initially at rest and is mounted on a fixed horizontal axle that runs through the centre of mass. The line of motion of the particle is perpendicular to the axle and at a distance d, less than R, from the centre and the particle sticks to the surface of the cylinder, thenView SolutionQuestion 184
A uniform solid cylinder of radius 'R' has a circular cut of radius R2 from the edge, Its mass is M. It is rolling wihtout slipping on a rough horizontal floor. When the cut part is at lowest position, centre of the disc is moving with horizontal velocity v. Choose the alternative:Question 189
A solid sphere is rolling without slipping on rough ground as shown in figure. If collides elastically with an identical another sphere at rest. There is no friction between the two spheres . Radius of each sphere is R and mass is m.Question 190
A solid sphere is rolling without slipping on rough ground as shown in figure. If collides elastically with an identical another sphere at rest. There is no friction between the two spheres . Radius of each sphere is R and mass is m.Question 193
A solid sphere has linear velocity v0=4 m/s and angular velocity ω0=9 rad/s as shown. Ground on which it is moving , is smooth . It collides elastically with a rough wall of coefficient of friction μ . Radius of the sphere is 1m and mass is 2 kg .Question 194
A solid sphere has linear velocity v0=4 m/s and angular velocity ω0=9 rad/s as shown. Ground on which it is moving , is smooth . It collides elastically with a rough wall of coefficient of friction μ . Radius of the sphere is 1m and mass is 2 kg .Question 195
A rod AB of length 2 m and mass 2 kg is lying on a smooth horizontal x-y plane with its centre at origin O as shown in figure. An impulse J of magnitude 10 N-s is applied perpendicular to AB at A.Question 198
Length AB in the figure shown in 5 m. The body is released from A. Friction is sufficient for pure rolling to take place.Question 199
An L shaped frame is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis passing through a smooth hinge O. Each side of the frame has a length L and mass m. Frame is let to fall with one side horizontal and the other vertical.Question 200
An L shaped frame is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis passing through a smooth hinge O. Each side of the frame has a length L and mass m. Frame is let to fall with one side horizontal and the other vertical.Question 201
Moment of inertia of a straight wire about an axis perpendicular to the wire passing through one of its end is I.Question 203
In the given figure F=10N,R=1m, mass of the body is 2kg and moment of inertia of the body about an axis passing through O and perpendicular to the plane of the body is 4kgm2. O is the centre of mass of the body.Question 204
In the given figure F=10N,R=1m, mass of the body is 2kg and moment of inertia of the body about an axis passing through O and perpendicular to the plane of the body is 4kgm2. O is the centre of mass of the body.Question 205
A rod of mass m and length l in placed on a smooth table. An another particle of same mass m strikes the rod with velocity v0 in a direction perpendicular to the rod at distance x(<l/2) from its centre . Particle sticks to the end. Let ω be the angular speed of system after collision , thenQuestion 206
A rod of mass m and length l in placed on a smooth table. An another particle of same mass m strikes the rod with velocity v0 in a direction perpendicular to the rod at distance x(<l/2) from its centre . Particle sticks to the end. Let ω be the angular speed of system after collision , thenQuestion 209
Two rod 1 and 2 are released from rest as shown in figure . Given, l1=4l,m1=2m,l2=2land m2=m. There is no friction between the two rods . If α be the angular acceleration of rod 1 just after the rods are released . Then,Question 210
Two rod 1 and 2 are released from rest as shown in figure . Given, l1=4l,m1=2m,l2=2land m2=m. There is no friction between the two rods . If α be the angular acceleration of rod 1 just after the rods are released . Then,Question 211
Two rod 1 and 2 are released from rest as shown in figure . Given, l1=4l,m1=2m,l2=2land m2=m. There is no friction between the two rods . If α be the angular acceleration of rod 1 just after the rods are released . Then,Question 212
Three massless rods are fixed to form a right angled triangular frame such that AB=BC=1 . Two identical small objects of mass m are fixed at A and C . The frame is hinged about B such that the frame can rotate in vertical plane about an horizontal axis without friction. Initially AB is vertical and BC is horizontal and the system is released from rest.Question 213
Three massless rods are fixed to form a right angled triangular frame such that AB=BC=1 . Two identical small objects of mass m are fixed at A and C . The frame is hinged about B such that the frame can rotate in vertical plane about an horizontal axis without friction. Initially AB is vertical and BC is horizontal and the system is released from rest.Question 214
Three massless rods are fixed to form a right angled triangular frame such that AB=BC=1 . Two identical small objects of mass m are fixed at A and C . The frame is hinged about B such that the frame can rotate in vertical plane about an horizontal axis without friction. Initially AB is vertical and BC is horizontal and the system is released from rest.Question 215
A uniform disc of mass M and radius R initially stands vertically on the right end of a horizontal plank of mass M and length L, as shown,Question 216
A uniform disc of mass M and radius R initially stands vertically on the right end of a horizontal plank of mass M and length L, as shown,Question 217
A uniform disc of mass M and radius R initially stands vertically on the right end of a horizontal plank of mass M and length L, as shown,Question 218
An engineer is designing a conveyor system for loading lay bales into a wagon. Each bale is 0.25 m high, and 0.80 m long (the dimension perpendicular to the plane of the figure), with mass 30.0 kg. The centre of gravity of each bale is at its geometrical centre. The coefficient of static friction between a bal and the conveyor belt is 0.60, and the belt moves with constant speed. The angle β of the conveyor is slowly increased. At some critical angle a bale will tip (if it doesn't slip first), and at some different critical it will slip (if it doesn't tip first).Question 219
An engineer is designing a conveyor system for loading lay bales into a wagon. Each bale is 0.25 m high, and 0.80 m long (the dimension perpendicular to the plane of the figure), with mass 30.0 kg. The centre of gravity of each bale is at its geometrical centre. The coefficient of static friction between a bal and the conveyor belt is 0.60, and the belt moves with constant speed. The angle β of the conveyor is slowly increased. At some critical angle a bale will tip (if it doesn't slip first), and at some different critical it will slip (if it doesn't tip first).Question 220
An engineer is designing a conveyor system for loading lay bales into a wagon. Each bale is 0.25 m high, and 0.80 m long (the dimension perpendicular to the plane of the figure), with mass 30.0 kg. The centre of gravity of each bale is at its geometrical centre. The coefficient of static friction between a bal and the conveyor belt is 0.60, and the belt moves with constant speed. The angle β of the conveyor is slowly increased. At some critical angle a bale will tip (if it doesn't slip first), and at some different critical it will slip (if it doesn't tip first).Question 221
In the figure S1 and S2 are two light springs of stiffness k and 4k respectively. When springs are in relaxed state, seperation between their free ends is 2x0 . A uniform solid cylinder of mass m and radius R(<x0) is placed exactly midway between the free ends of the springs with its axis horizontal and perpendicular to the springs . Now consider the two cases separately.Question 222
A uniform solid cylinder of mass m and radius 2R rests on a horizontal table. A string attached to it passes over a pulley (disc) of mass m and radius R that is mounted on a fricitonaless axle through its centre . A block of mass m is suspended from the free end of the spring . The string does not slip over the pulley surface and the cylinder rolls without slipping on the table.Question 223
A uniform solid cylinder of mass m and radius 2R rests on a horizontal table. A string attached to it passes over a pulley (disc) of mass m and radius R that is mounted on a fricitonaless axle through its centre . A block of mass m is suspended from the free end of the spring . The string does not slip over the pulley surface and the cylinder rolls without slipping on the table.Question 224
A uniform solid cylinder of mass m and radius 2R rests on a horizontal table. A string attached to it passes over a pulley (disc) of mass m and radius R that is mounted on a fricitonaless axle through its centre . A block of mass m is suspended from the free end of the spring . The string does not slip over the pulley surface and the cylinder rolls without slipping on the table.Question 235
In each situation of Table-1, a uniform disc of mass m and radius R rolls on a rough fixed horizontal surface as shown. At, t=0 (initially) the angular velocity of disc is ω0 and velocity of centre of mass of disc is v0 (in horizontal direction). The relation between v0 and ω0 for each situation and also initial sense of rotation is given in Table-1 . Then match the statements in Table-1 with the corresponding results in Table-2.Question 239
A thin but very large plank of mass 2 m is placed on a horziontal smooth surface. A solid cylinder of mass m and radius r is given only translational velocity v0 and gently placed on the plank as shown in the figure. The coefficient of kinetic friciton between the plank and the cylinder is μ.Question 242
A wheel starting from rest is uniformly acceleration with angular acceleration of 4rad/s2 for 10 seconds . It is then allowed to rotate uniformly for next 10 seconds and finally brought to rest in next 10 seconds by uniform angular retardation. Total angle rotated is (100 n) radian. Find value of n.View SolutionQuestion 244
A uniform rod of mass 2kg and length 1m lies on a smooth horizontal plane. A particle of mass 1 kg moving at a speed of 2ms−1 perpendicular to the length of the rod strikes it at a distance 14 m from the centre and stops . Find the angular velocity of the rod about its centre just after the collision (in rad/s)View SolutionQuestion 249
A disc of mass 4 kg and radius 6 metre is free to rotate in horizontal plane about a vertical fixed axis passing through its centre. There is a smooth groove along the diameter of the disc and two small blocks of masses 2 kg each are placed in it on either side of the centre of the disc as shown in figure. The disc is given initial angular velocity ω0 =12 rad/sec and released. Find the angular speed of disc (in radian/sec) when the blocks reach the ends of the disc.Question 250
Find the acceleration of slid right circular roller A, weighing 12kg when it is being pulley by another weight B(6kg) along the horizontal plane as in figure ( pulley in massless ). The weight B is attached to the end of a string wound around the circularference of roller. Assume there is no slipping of the roller and the string is inextensible.Question 255
A uniform thin rod has mass m and length l. One end of the rod lies over rough horizontal surface and the other end is connected to a light vertical string as shown in the figure. When string is cut, there is no slipping between rod and surface.Calculate the friction force (in N) on the rod immediately after the string is cut .(Given mg=16√3N)Question 257
A uniform rod of length l and mass m is suspended from one end by inextensible string and other end less lies on smooth ground. The angle made by the rod with vertical is θ=sin−1(1/√3). If N1 and N2 represent the contact force from ground on rod just before and just after cutting the string then the ratio of N1/N2 is 0.25 x. Find the value of x.