Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 6
Figure 7.20 shows a tube structure in which signal is sent from one end and is received at the other end . The frequency of the sound source can be varied electronically between 2000→5000Hz. Find the frequencies at which maxima of intensity are detected . The speed of sound in air 340m/s.Question 7
Two small loudspeakers A,B ( 1m apart) are connected to the same oscillator so that both emit sound waves of frequency 1700Hz in phase . A sensitive detector , detects a maximum wave at P on the perpendicular bisector MPofAB and another maximum wave when it first reaches a point Q directly opposite to B. Calculate the speed c of the sound waves in air .Question 8
A source S and a detector D high frequency waves are a distance d apart on the ground. The direct wave from S is found to be in phase at D with the wave from S that is reflected from horizontal layer at an altitude H. The incident and reflected rayes make the same angle with the reflecting layer. When the layer rises a distance h, no signal is detected at D . Negle ct absorption in the atmosphere and find the relation between d,h, H and the wavelength λ of the waves.Question 11
In a large room , a person receives direct sound waves from a source 120m away . He also receives waves from the same source which reach him after being reflected from the 5−m high ceiling at a point halfway between them . For which wavelengths will these two sound waves interfere constructively ?View SolutionQuestion 12
Sound waves from a tuning fork placed at a point P reach another point Q , by two separate paths PRQandPSQ . When PSQ is greater than PRQby11.5cm , there is silence at Q . When the difference is 23cm , the sound becomes loudest at Q, and when 34.5cm , there is silence , and so on . Explain this effect and calculate the frequency of the fork if the velocity of sound is taken to be 331.2m/s.View SolutionQuestion 13
show that when reflection takes place from a boundary separating two media and the velocity in the second medium is infinitely large , the amplitude of the reflected wave is equal to the amplitude of the incident wave and there is a phase change of π in the displacement wave.View SolutionQuestion 15
Two speakeer connected to the same source of fixed frequency are placed 2m apart in a box. A sensitive microphone placed at a distance of 4m from the midpoint alon the perpendicular bisector shown maximum response. The box is slowly rotated till the speaker are in line with the microphone, The distance between the midpoint of the speakers and the microphone remains unchanged. Exactly 5 maximum responses (inculuding the initial and last one) and observed in the microphone in doing this. The wavelength of the sound wave is (o.x) meter. Find the value of x.View SolutionQuestion 17
A wave pulse on a string has the dimensions shown in Fig.7.24 at t=0. The wave speed is 5.0m/s. (a) If point O is fixed end , draw the total wave on the string at t=1.0ms,2.0ms,3.0ms,4.0ms,5.0ms,6.0msand7.0ms.Question 18
Two triangular wave pulses are travelling toward each other on a stretched string as shown in Fig . 7.25. Both pulses are identical to each other and travels at 2.00cm/s. The leading edges of the pulses are 1.00cmapart at t=0 . Sketch the shape of the string at t=0.250s,t=0.500s,t=0.750s,t=1.000sandt=1.250s.Question 28
A string vibrates according to the equation y=5sinπx3cos40πtQuestion 29
In Qunick's acoustic interferometer , it is found that the sound intensity has a minimum value of 100units at one position of the sliding tube , and cocontinuously climbs to a maximum of 900units at a second position 1.65cm from the first . FindQuestion 43
Find the fundamental frequency and the first four overtones of a 15cm pipe (a) if the pipe is closed at one end , and (b) if the pipe is open at both ends. ( c) How many overtones may be heard by a person of normal hearing in each of the above cases ? velocity of sound in air =330m/s. View SolutionQuestion 44
A steel wire of length 1m and density 8000kg/m3 is stretched tightly between two rigid supports . When vibrating in its fundamental mode , its frequency is 200Hz.Question 46
A tube closed at one end has a vibrating diaphragm at the other end , which may be assumed to be a displacement node . It is found that when the frequency of the diaphragm is 2000Hz , a stationary wave pattern is set up in which the distance between adjacent nodes is 8cm. When the frequency is gradually reduced , the stationary wave pattern reappears at a frequency of 1600Hz. CalculateQuestion 47
Two sonometer wires of the same material and cross - section are of lengths 50cmand60cm and are stretched by tensions of 4.5kgand5.12kg, respectively . If the number of beats heard ( when the two wires are vibrating ) be 2persecond , find the mass per unit length of the wires . Take g=10m/s2.View SolutionQuestion 48
A string fixed at both ends is vibrating in the lowest possible mode of vibration for which a point at quarter of its length from one end is a point of maximum displacement. The frequency of vibration in this mode is 100 Hz. What will be the frequency emitted when it vibrates in the next mode such that this point of maximum displacement? View SolutionQuestion 50
Two sound waves travelling in the same direction are superposed. Their frequencies are 300and302Hz and their amplitudes are 0.2and0.3mm, respectivelyQuestion 52
Two wires of different linear mass densities are soldered together end to end and then stretched under a tension F. The wave speed in the first wire is thrice that in the second. If a harmonic wave travelling in the first wire is incident on the junction of the wires and if the amplitude of the incident wave is A=√13cm, find the amplitude of reflected wave.View SolutionQuestion 55
A 3m long organ pipe open at both ends is driven to third harmonic standing wave. If the amplitude of pressure oscillations is 1 per cent of mean atmospheric pressure (po=105Nm2). Find the amplitude of particle displacement and density oscillations. Speed of sound υ=332m/s and density of air ρ=1.03kg/m3. View SolutionQuestion 56
Sound from coherent sources S1andS2 are sent in phase and detected at point P equidistant from both the sources . Speed of sound in normal air in V0, but in some part in path S1 , there is a zone of hot air having temperature 4× , the normal temperature , and width d. What should be minimum frequency of sound , so that minima can be found at P?Question 57
A bat emits ultrasonic sound of frequency 1000kHz in air . If the sound meets a water surface , it gets partially reflected back and partially refracted (transmitted) in water . What would be the difference of wavelength transmitted to wavelength reflected (speed of sound in air =330m/s, Bulk modulus of water =2.25×109,ρwater=1000kg/m2).View SolutionQuestion 58
Figure 7.75 shows a tube structure in which a sound signal is bent from one end and is received at the other end . The semicircular part has a radius of 20.0cm. The frequency of the sound source can be varied electronically between 1000and4000Hz. Find the frequencies at which maxima of intensity are detected. The speed of sound in air =340m/s.Question 59
A source emitting sound of frequency 180 Hz is placed in front of a wall at a distance of 2 m from it. A detector is also placed in front of the wall at the same distance from it. Find the minimum distance between the source and the detector for which the detector detects a maximum of sound. Speed of sound in air =360ms−1.Question 60
Two coherent narrow slits emitting sound of wavelength λ in the same phase are placed parallet to each other at a small separation of 2λ . The sound is delected by maving a delector on the screen at a distance D(>>λ) from the slit S1 as shows in figure. Find the distance y such that the intensity at P is equal to intensity at O .Question 61
The following equation represents standing wave set up in a medium ,Question 69
A column of air at 51∘C and a tuning fork produce 4 beats per second when sounded together. As the temperature of the air column is decreased, the number of beats per second tends to decrease and when the temperature is 16∘C the two produce 1 beat per second. Find the frequency of the tuning fork. View SolutionQuestion 70
A uniform horizontal rod of length 40 cm and mass 1.2 kg is supported by two identical wires as shown in figure. Where should a mass of 4.8 kg be placed on the rod so that the same tuning fork may excite the wire on left into its fundamental vibrations and that on right into its first overtone ? Take g=10ms−2Question 71
A sonometer wire under tension of 128N vibrates in resonance with a tuning fork . The vibrating portion of sonometer wire has length of 20cm and mass 1g. The vibrating wire at constant speed of 0.75m/s and an observer standing near the sonometer hear 1beat/s. Find the speed of sound in air.View SolutionQuestion 73
A string is stretched by a block going over a pulley . The string vibrates in its fifth harmonic in unison with a particular tuning fork . When a beaker containing a liquid of density ρ is brought under the block so that the block is completely dipped into the beaker , the string vibrates in its seventh harmonic in unison with the tuning fork . Find the density of the material of the block.Question 74
An audio oscillator capable of producing notes of frequencies ranging from 500Hzto1500Hz is placed constant tension T. The linear mass density of the wire is 0.75g/m. It is observed that by varying the frequency of the oscillator over the given permissible rang the sonometer wire sets into vibration at frequencies 840Hzand1120Hz.Question 75
A closed orgain pipe of length l0 is resonating in 5th harmonic mode with rod clamped at two points l and 3l from one end. If the length of the rod is 4l and it is vibrating in first overtone. Find the length of the rod. [Velocity of sound in air =vs Young's modulus for the rod Y and density ρ]Question 103
A glass tube of 1.0m length is filled with water . The water can be drained out slowly at the bottom of the tube . If a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 500c/s is brought at the upper end of the tube and the velocity of sound is 330m/s, then the total number of resonances obtained will be View SolutionQuestion 110
A somoneter wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five antindoes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. Resonates with the same tuning fork forming three antindoes for the same postions of the bridges. the value of M is View SolutionQuestion 111
In a large room , a person receives direct sound waves from a source 120 metres away from him. He also receives waves from the same source which reach , being reflected from the 25m high ceiling at a point halfway between them . The two waves interfere constructively for a wavelength of View SolutionQuestion 113
The vibrations of a string of length 60 cm fixed at both ends are represented by the equation y=4sin(πx15)cos(96πt), where x and y are in cm and t in seconds.Question 124
A metal rod 40cm long is dropped on to a wooden floor and rebounds into air . Compressional waves of many frequencies are thereby set up in the rod . If the speed of compressional waves in the rod in 5500m/s, what is the lowest frequency of compressional waves to which the rod resonates as it rebounds?View SolutionQuestion 129
A long cylindrical tube carries a highly polished piston and has a side opening . A tuning fork of frequency n is sounded at the open end of the tube . The intensity of the sounded heard by the listener changes if the piston is moved in or out. At a particular position of the piston he hears a maximum sound . When the piston is moved through a distance of 9cm, the intensity of sound becomes minimum. If the speed of sound is 360m/s, the value of n isQuestion 134
Two identical straight wires are stretched so as to products 6beats/s when vibrating simultaneously. On changing the tension slightly in one of them, the beat frequency remains unchanged. Denoting by , T1 the higher and T2 the lower, initial tensions in the strings, then it could be said that that while making the above changes in tension View SolutionQuestion 136
A stone is hung in air from a wire which is stretched over a sonometer. The bridges of the sonometer are 40 cm apart when the wire is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency 256. when the stone is completely immersed in water , the length between the bridges is 22 cm for re- establishing unison. the specific gravity of the material of the stone is View SolutionQuestion 140
A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe of some length produce 2beats when they are set up into vibration simultaneously in their fundamental mode . The length of the open organ pipe is now halved and of the closed organ pipe is doubled , the number of beats produced will be a) 7 b) 4 c) 8 d) 2View SolutionQuestion 148
The strings of a violin are tuned to the tones G,D,AandE which are separated by a fifth from one another . That is f(D)=1.5(G),f(A)=1.5f(D)=400Hzandf(E)=1.5f(A). The distance between the two fixed points , the bridge at the scroll and over the body of the instrument is 0.25m. The tension on the string Eis90N. The mass per unit length of string E is nearly View SolutionQuestion 167
A 100−m long rod of density 10.0×104kg/m3 and having Young's modulus Y=1011Pa, is clamped at one end . It is hammered at the other free end. The longitudinal pulse goes to right end , gets reflected and again returns to the left end . How much time the pulse take to go back to initial point.Question 168
Figure 7.88 shows a stretched string of length L and pipes of length L,2L,L/2andL/2 in options (a) , (b), (c ) and (d) respectively . The string 's tension is adjusted until the speed of waves on the string equals the speed of sound waves in the air . The fundamental mode of oscillation is the set up on the string . In which pipe will the sound produced by the string cause resonance ?Question 172
A man standing in front of a mountain beats a drum at regular intervals. The drumming rate is gradually increased and he finds that echo is not heard distinctly when the rate becomes 40 per minute. He then moves near to the mountain by 90 metres and finds that echo is again not heard distinctly when the drumming rate becomes 60 per minute. Calculate (a) the distance between the mountain and the initial position of the man and (b) the velocity of sound.View SolutionQuestion 177
A harmonic wave is travelling on a stretched string . At any particular instant , the smallest distance between two particles having same displacement , equal to half of amplitude is 8cm. Find the smallest separation between two particles which have same values of displacement (magnitude only) equal to half of amplitude.View SolutionQuestion 182
A train of sound wsves is propagated along a wide pipe and it is reflected from an open end. If the amplitude of the waves is 0.002cm, the frequency 1000Hz and the wvelength 40cm, the amplitude of viberation at a point 10cm from open end inside the pipe will be(0.0.x)cm. Find teh value of x.View SolutionQuestion 184
A source of sound attached to the bob of a simple pendulum execute SHM . The difference between the apparent frequency of sound as received by an observer during its approach and recession at the mean frequency of the source . The velocity of the source at the mean position is ( velocity of sound in the air is 340m/s)Question 187
Two separated sources emit sinusoidal travelling waves but have the same wavelength λ and are in phase at their respective sources . One travels a distance l1 to get to the observeration point while the other travels a distance l2 . The amplitude is minimum at the observation point , l1−l2 is an View SolutionQuestion 193
A sound consists of four frequencies : 300Hz,600Hz,1200Hzand2400Hz. A sound 'filter' is made by passing this sound through a bifurcate pipe as shown . The sound wave has to travel a distance of 50cm more in the right branch - pipe than in the straight pipe. The speed of sound in air is 300m/s. Then , which of the following frequencies will be almost completely muffled or 'silenced' at the outlet?Question 201
A sounding fork whose frequency is 256Hz is held over an empty measuring cylinder. The sound is faint , but if just the right amount of water is poured into the cyclinder , it becomes loud. If the optimal amount of water produce an air column of length 0.31m, then the speed of sound in air to a first approximation is View SolutionQuestion 211
A long tube open at the top is fixed verticallly and water level inside the tube can be moved up or down . A vibrating tuning fork is held above the open end and the water level is pushed down gradually so as to get first and second resonance at 24.1cm and 74.1cm , respectively below the open end . The diameter of the tube is View SolutionQuestion 213
S1andS2 are two coherent sources of radiations separated by distance 100.25λ, where λ is the wave length of radiation. S1 leads S2 in phase by π/2.A and B are two points on the line joining S1andS2 as shown in figure.The ratio of amplitudes of component waves from source S1andS2 at A and B are in ratio 1:2. The ratio of intensity at A to that of B (IAIB) isQuestion 219
Two pipes are submerged in sea water , arranged as shown in figure . Pipe (A) with length LA=1.5m and one open end , contains a small source that sets up the standing wave with the second lowest resonant frequency of that pipe . Sound from pipe A sets up resonance in pipe B , which has both ends open . The resonance is at the second lowest resonant frequency of pipe B. The length of the pipe B is :Question 221
Two identical straight wires are stretched so as to products 6beats/s when vibrating simultaneously. On changing the tension slightly in one of them, the beat frequency remains unchanged. Denoting by , T1 the higher and T2 the lower, initial tensions in the strings, then it could be said that that while making the above changes in tension View SolutionQuestion 223
Three simple harmonic waves , identical in frequency n and amplitude A moving in the same direction are superimposed in air in such a way , that the first , second and the third wave have the phase angles ϕ,ϕ+(π/2)and(ϕ+π), respectively at a given point P in the superpositionQuestion 229
Two waves travel down the same string . These waves have the same velocity , frequency f and wavelength but having different phase constants ϕ1 and ϕ2(<ϕ1) and amplitudes A1 and A2(<A1). Mark the correct statement(s) for the resultant wave which is produced due to superposition of these two waves. View SolutionQuestion 230
A radio transmitter at position A operates at a wavelength of 20m. A second , identical transmitter is located at a distance x from the first transmitter , at position B. The transmitters are phase locked together such that the second transmitter is lagging π/2 out of phase with the first . For which of the following values of BC−CA will the intensity at C be maximum .Question 241
Two waves of nearly same amplitude , same frequency travelling with same velocity are superimposing to give phenomenon of interference . If a1 and a2 be their respectively amplitudes , ω be the frequency for both , v be the velocity for both and Δϕ is the phase difference between the two waves then , View SolutionQuestion 248
Statement I : The principle of superpositions states that amplitudes , velocities , and , accelerations of the particles of the medium due to the simultaneous operation of two or more progressive simple harmonic waves are the vector sum of the separate amplitude , velocity and acceleration of those particles under the effect of each such wave acting alone in the mediumQuestion 250
Statement I : In a standing wave on a string , the spacing between nodes is Δx. If the tension in string is increased wave same as before , then the separation between nearest nodes will be increased.Question 258
In the arrangement shown in Fig. 7.100 , mass can be hung from a string with a linear mass density of 2×10−3kg/m that passes over a light pulley . The string is connected to a vibrator of frequency 700Hz and the length of the string between the vibrator and the pulley is 1m.Question 259
In the arrangement shown in Fig. 7.100 , mass can be hung from a string with a linear mass density of 2×10−3kg/m that passes over a light pulley . The string is connected to a vibrator of frequency 700Hz and the length of the string between the vibrator and the pulley is 1m.Question 260
In the arrangement shown in Fig. 7.100 , mass can be hung from a string with a linear mass density of 2×10−3kg/m that passes over a light pulley . The string is connected to a vibrator of frequency 700Hz and the length of the string between the vibrator and the pulley is 1m.Question 262
Both neon [MNe=20×10−3kg] and helium [MHe=4×10−3kg] are monoatomic gases and can be assumed to be ideal gases. The fundamental frequency of a tube (open at both ends ) of neon is 300Hzat270K(R=(25/3)J/Kmol)Question 263
A long tube contains air pressure of 1atm and a temperature of 59∘C. The tube is open at one end and closed at the other by a movable piston . A tuning fork near the open end is vibrating with a frequency of 500Hz. Resonance is produced when the piston is at distances 16cm,49.2cmand82.4cm from open end. Molar mass of air is 28.8g/mol.Question 264
A long tube contains air pressure of 1atm and a temperature of 59∘C. The tube is open at one end and closed at the other by a movable piston . A tuning fork near the open end is vibrating with a frequency of 500Hz. Resonance is produced when the piston is at distances 16cm,49.2cmand82.4cm from open end. Molar mass of air is 28.8g/mol.Question 265
A long tube contains air pressure of 1atm and a temperature of 59∘C. The tube is open at one end and closed at the other by a movable piston . A tuning fork near the open end is vibrating with a frequency of 500Hz. Resonance is produced when the piston is at distances 16cm,49.2cmand82.4cm from open end. Molar mass of air is 28.8g/mol.Question 269
A long tube contains air at a pressure of 1atm and a temperature of 107∘C. The tube is open at one end and closed at the other by a movable piston. A tuning fork near the open end is vibrating with a frequency of 500Hz. Resonance is produced when the piston is at distance 19,58.5and98cm from the open end.Question 270
A long tube contains air at a pressure of 1atm and a temperature of 107∘C. The tube is open at one end and closed at the other by a movable piston. A tuning fork near the open end is vibrating with a frequency of 500Hz. Resonance is produced when the piston is at distance 19,58.5and98cm from the open end.Question 271
A steel rod 2.5m long is rigidly clamped at its centre C and longitudinal waves are set up on both sides of C by rubbing along the rod . Young's modulus for steel =2×1011N/m2 , density of steel =8000kg/m3Question 272
A steel rod 2.5m long is rigidly clamped at its centre C and longitudinal waves are set up on both sides of C by rubbing along the rod . Young's modulus for steel =2×1011N/m2 , density of steel =8000kg/m3Question 273
A steel rod 2.5m long is rigidly clamped at its centre C and longitudinal waves are set up on both sides of C by rubbing along the rod . Young's modulus for steel =2×1011N/m2 , density of steel =8000kg/m3Question 274
A longitudinal standing wave y=acoskxcosωt is maintained in a homogeneious medium of density ρ. Here ω is the angular speed and k , the wave number and a is the amplitude of the standing wave . This standing wave exists all over a given region of space.Question 275
A longitudinal standing wave y=acoskxcosωt is maintained in a homogeneious medium of density ρ. Here ω is the angular speed and k , the wave number and a is the amplitude of the standing wave . This standing wave exists all over a given region of space.Question 276
A longitudinal standing wave y=acoskxcosωt is maintained in a homogeneious medium of density ρ. Here ω is the angular speed and k , the wave number and a is the amplitude of the standing wave . This standing wave exists all over a given region of space.Question 277
In a standing wave experiment , a 1.2−kg horizontal rope is fixed in place at its two ends (x=0andx=2.0m) and made to oscillate up and down in the fundamental mode , at frequency of 5.0Hz. At t=0 , the point at x=1.0m has zero displacement and is moving upward in the positive direction of y−aξs with a transverse velocity 3.14m/s.Question 278
In a standing wave experiment , a 1.2−kg horizontal rope is fixed in place at its two ends (x=0andx=2.0m) and made to oscillate up and down in the fundamental mode , at frequency of 5.0Hz. At t=0 , the point at x=1.0m has zero displacement and is moving upward in the positive direction of y−aξs with a transverse velocity 3.14m/s.Question 279
In a standing wave experiment , a 1.2−kg horizontal rope is fixed in place at its two ends (x=0andx=2.0m) and made to oscillate up and down in the fundamental mode , at frequency of 5.0Hz. At t=0 , the point at x=1.0m has zero displacement and is moving upward in the positive direction of y−aξs with a transverse velocity 3.14m/s.Question 280
In an organ pipe (may be closed or open ) of 99cm length standing wave is set up , whose equation is given by longitudinal displacement.Question 281
In an organ pipe ( may be closed or open of 99cm length standing wave is setup , whose equation is given by longitudinal displacement ξ=(0.1mm)cos(2π)0.8(y+1cm)cos2π(400)tQuestion 282
In an organ pipe (may be closed or open ) of 99cm length standing wave is set up , whose equation is given by longitudinal displacement.Question 287
An oscillator of frequency 680Hz drives two speakers . The speakers are fixed on a vertical pole at a distance 3m from each other as shown in Fig. 7.103. A person whose height is almost the same as that of the lower speaker walks towards the lower speaker in a direction perpendicular to the pole. Assuming that there is no reflection of sound from the ground and speed of sound is v=340m/s , answer the following questions.Question 288
An oscillator of frequency 680Hz drives two speakers . The speakers are fixed on a vertical pole at a distance 3m from each other as shown in Fig. 7.103. A person whose height is almost the same as that of the lower speaker walks towards the lower speaker in a direction perpendicular to the pole. Assuming that there is no reflection of sound from the ground and speed of sound is v=340m/s , answer the following questions.Question 289
An oscillator of frequency 680Hz drives two speakers . The speakers are fixed on a vertical pole at a distance 3m from each other as shown in Fig. 7.103. A person whose height is almost the same as that of the lower speaker walks towards the lower speaker in a direction perpendicular to the pole. Assuming that there is no reflection of sound from the ground and speed of sound is v=340m/s , answer the following questions.Question 290
An oscillator of frequency 680Hz drives two speakers . The speakers are fixed on a vertical pole at a distance 3m from each other as shown in Fig. 7.103. A person whose height is almost the same as that of the lower speaker walks towards the lower speaker in a direction perpendicular to the pole. Assuming that there is no reflection of sound from the ground and speed of sound is v=340m/s , answer the following questions.Question 291
Consider a standing wave formed on a string . It results due to the superposition of two waves travelling in opposite directions . The waves are travelling along the length of the string in the x - direction and displacements of elements on the string are along the y - direction . Individual equations of the two waves can be expressed asQuestion 292
Consider a standing wave formed on a string . It results due to the superposition of two waves travelling in opposite directions . The waves are travelling along the length of the string in the x - direction and displacements of elements on the string are along the y - direction . Individual equations of the two waves can be expressed asQuestion 293
Consider a standing wave formed on a string . It results due to the superposition of two waves travelling in opposite directions . The waves are travelling along the length of the string in the x - direction and displacements of elements on the string are along the y - direction . Individual equations of the two waves can be expressed as