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Complete Solutions to Single Correct Answer Type of chapter STRAIGHT LINE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle Correct Answer Type
Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the `xy`-plane, how many straight lines whose `x`-intercept is a prime number and whose `y`-intercept is a positive integer pass through the point `(4,3)` ?

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  2. The condition that the equation `lx +my +n = 0` represents the equatio of a straight line in the normal form is

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  3. In an isosceles triangle `ABC,` the coordinates of the points `B`and `C` on the base `BC` are respectively `(1, 2)` and `(2. 1).` If the equation of the line `AB` is `y= 2x,` then the equation of the line `AC` is

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  4. If the coordinates of the points `A,B,C` be `(-1,5),(0,0)` and `(2,2)` respectively, and `D` be the middle point of `BC`, then the equation of the perpendicular drawn from `B` to the line `AD` is

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  5. Two lines are drawn through (3,4), each of which makes angle of `45^(@)` with the line `x-y = 2`. Then area of the triangle formed by these lines is

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  6. The line `y = 2x +4` is shifted 2 units along `+y` axis, keeping parallel to itself and then 1 unit along `+x` axis direction in the same manner, then equation of the line in its new position is,

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  7. A ray of light passing through the point A(2, 3) reflected at a point B on line `x + y = 0` and then passes through (5, 3). Then the coordinates of B are

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  8. If the transversal `y = m_(r)x: r = 1,2,3` cut off equal intercepts on the transversal `x +y = 1` then `1 +m_(1),1 +m_(2),1+m_(3)` are in

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  9. The straight line `y = x - 2` rotates about a point where it cuts x-axis and become perpendicular on the straight line `ax + by + c = 0` then its equation is

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  10. The two adjacent sides of parallelogram are y = 0 and `y=sqrt3(x-1)`. If equation of one diagonal is `sqrt3y=(x+1)`, then equation of other diagonal is

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  11. A(3,0) and B(6,0) are two fixed points and U(`x_1,y_1`) is a variable point of the plane .AU and BU meets the y axis at C and D respectively and AD meets OU at V. Then for any position of U in the plane CV passes through fixed point (p,q) whose distance from origin is____units

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  12. If `h` denotes the A.M. and k denote G.M. of t e intercept made on axes by the lines passing through `(1, 1)` then `(h,k)` lies on

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  13. Let `A(a,0) and B(b,0)` be fixed distinct points on the x-axis, none of which coincides with the `O(0,0)`, and let C be a point on the y-axis. Let L be a line through the `O(0,0)` and perpendicular to the line AC. The locus of the point of intersection of the lines L and BC if C varies along is (provided `c^2 +ab != 0`)

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  14. If AD,BE and CF are the altitudes of a triangle ABC whose vertex A is the point `(-4,5)`. The coordinates of the points E and F are (4,1) and `(-1,-4)` respectively, then equation of BC is

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  15. Let P and Q be any two points on the lines represented by 2x-3y = 0 and 2x + 3y = 0 respectively. If the area of triangle OPQ (where O is origin) is 5, then which of the following is not the possible equation of the locus of mid-point of PO? `(a) 4x^2-9y^2 +30 = 0 (b) 4x^2-9y^2-30 = 0 (c) 9x^2-4y^2-30=0 (d)` none of these

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  16. The acute angle between two straight lines passing through the point `M(-6,-8)` and the points in which the line segment `2x+y+10=0` enclosed between the co-ordinate axes is divided in the ratio 1:2:2 in the direction from the point of its intersection with the x-axis to the point of intersection with the y-axis is: (a)`pi/3` (b) `pi/4` (c) `pi/6` (d) `pi/(12)`

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  17. A variable line L is drawn through O(0, 0) to meet lines L1: 2x + 3y = 5 and L2: 2x + 3y = 10 at point P and Q, respectively. A point R is taken on L such that 2OP.OQ = OR.OP + OR.OQ. Locus of R is

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  18. The complete set of values of the parameter `alpha` so that the point `P(alpha, (1 +alpha^(2))^(-1))` does not lie outside the triangle formed by the lines `L_(1): 15y = x +1, L_(2) : 78y = 118 - 23x` and `L_(3):y +2 = 0` is

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  19. if `P,Q` are two points on the line `3x+4y+15=0` such that `OP=OQ=9` then the area of triangle `OPQ` is

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  20. The number of points on the line `3x +4y = 5`, which are at a distance of `sec^(2)theta +2 cossec^(2) theta, theta in R`, from the point (1,3) is

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  21. ABC is an equilateral triangle whose centroid is origin and base BC is along the line `11x +60y = 122`. Then

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  22. If the distance of a given point `(alpha,beta)` from each of two straight lines `y = mx` through the origin is d, then `(alpha gamma- beta x)^(2)` is equal to

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  23. The values of k for which lines `kx + 2y + 2 = 0, 2x + ky + 3 = 0, 3x + 3y + k = 0` are concurrent are

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  24. The set of real values of k for which the lines `x + 3y +1=0, kx + 2y-2=0` and `2x-y + 3 = 0` form a triangle is

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  25. Locus of the points which are at equal distance from `3x + 4y-11 = 0` and `12x + 5y + 2= 0` and which is near the origin is:

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  26. Pair of lines through `(1, 1)` and making equal angle with `3x - 4y=1` and `12x +9y=1` intersect x-axis at `P_1` and `P_2` , then `P_1,P_2` may be

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  27. The algebraic sum of distances of the line `ax + by + 2 = 0` from `(1,2), (2,1) and (3,5)` is zero and the lines `bx - ay + 4 = 0` and `3x + 4y + 5=0` cut the coordinate axes at concyclic points. Then (a) `a+b=-2/7` (b) area of triangle formed by the line `ax+by+2=0` with coordinate axes is `14/5` (c) line `ax+by+3=0` always passes through the point `(-1,1)` (d) max `{a,b}=5/7`

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  28. Equation of line which is equally inclined to the axis and passes through a common points of family of lines `4acx + y(ab + bc + ca- abc) +abc = 0` (where `a, b, c> 0` are in `H.P.)` is

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  29. The base `B C` of a ` A B C` is bisected at the point `(p ,q)` & the equation to the side `A B&A C` are `p x+q y=1` & `q x+p y=1` . The equation of the median through `A` is: (a) `(p-2q)x+(q-2p)y+1=0` (b) `(p+q)(x+y)-2=0` (c) `(2p q-1)(p x+q y-1)=(p^2+q^2-1)(q x+p y-1)` (d)none of these

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  30. `A(x_1, y_1), B(x_2,y_2), C(x_3,y_3)` are three vertices of a triangle ABC. `lx+my+n=0` is an equation of the line L. If the centroid of the triangle ABC is at the origin and algebraic sum of the lengths of the perpendicular from O the vertices of triangle ABC on the line L is equal to, then sum of the squares of reciprocals of the intercepts made by L on the coordinate axes is equal to

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  31. A straight line passes through the point of Intersection of the lines `x- 2y - 2 = 0 and 2x - by - 6= 0` and the origin, then the set of values of 'b' for which the acute angle between this line and `y=0` is less than `45^@` is

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  32. The locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the origin on each member of the family `(4a+ 3)x - (a+ 1)y -(2a+1)=0`

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Single Correct Answer Type questions and complete solutions for chapter STRAIGHT LINE of CENGAGE of Class 12