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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Numerical) of chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Numerical)
Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `f` be a real-valued invertible function such that `f((-32 x)/(x-2))=5x-2, x!=2.` Then value of `f^(-1)(13)` is________

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  2. Let `f(x)=3x^2-7x+c ,` where `c` is a variable coefficient and `x >7/6` . Then the value of `[c]` such that `f(x)` touches `f^(-1)(x)` is (where [.] represents greatest integer function)_________

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  3. The number of points on the real line where the function f(x)-log- Ix-3) is not defined is `f(x) = log_(|x^2-1|)|x-3|` is not defined is

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  4. The number of integral values of `x` for which `((pi/(2^tan^((-1)x-4)))(x-4)(x-10))/(x !-(x-1)!)<0i s______`

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  5. If `f(x)={xcosx+(log)_e((1-x)/(1+x))a; x=0; x!=0` is odd, then `a_______,`

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  6. The number of integers in the range of the function
    `f(x)=|4((sqrt(cosx)-sqrt(sinx))(sqrt(cosx)+sqrt(sinx)))/((cosx+sinx))|` is ________.

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  7. The number of integers in the domain of function, satisfying `f(x)+f(x^(-1))=(x^3+1)/x ,i s_____`

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  8. If a polynomial function `f(x)` satisfies `f(f(f(x))=8x+21 ,` where `pa n dq` are real numbers, then `p+q` is equal to _______

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  9. If `f(x)` is an odd function, `f(1)=3,f(x+2)=f(x)+f(2),` then the value of `f(3)` is________

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  10. Let `f: R->R` be a continuous onto function satisfying `f(x)+f(-x)=0AAx in Rdot` If `f(-3)=2a n df(5)=4in[-5,5],` then the minimum number of roots of the equation `f(x)=0` is

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  11. The set of all real values of x for which the funciton `f(x) = sqrt(sin x + cos x )+sqrt(7x -x^(2) - 6)` takes real values is

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  12. Suppose that `f` is an even, periodic function with period `2,a n dt h a tf(x)=x` for all `x` in the interval `[0,1]` . The values of `[10f(3. 14)]` is(where [.] represents the greatest integer function) ______

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  13. If `f(x)=sqrt(4-x^2)+sqrt(x^2-1)` , then the maximum value of `(f(x))^2` is ____________

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  14. The function `f(x)=(x+1)/(x^3+1)` can be written as the sum of an even function `g(x)` and an odd function `h(x)` . Then the value of `|g(0)|` is___________

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  15. If `T` is the period of the function `f(x)=[8x+7]+|tan2pix+cot2pix|-8x]` (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function), then the value of `1/T` is ___________

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  16. An even polynomial function `f(x)` satisfies a relation `f(2x)(1-f(1/(2x)))+f(16x^2y)=f(-2)-f(4x y)AAx ,y in R-{0}a n df(4)=-255 ,f(0)=1.` Then the value of `|(f(2)+1)//2|` is_________

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  17. If `f(x)=sin^2x+sin^2(x+pi/3)+cosxcos(x+pi/3)a n dg(5/4=1,` then `(gof)(x)` is ____________

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  18. Let `E={1,2,3,4,} and F={1,2}.` Then the number of onto functions from E to F, is ______.

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  19. The function of `f` is continuous and has the property `f(f(x))=1-xdot` Then the value of `f(1/4)+f(3/4)` is

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  20. A function `f` from integers to integers is defined as
    `f(n)={(n+3",",n in odd),(n//2 ",",n in even):}`
    Suppose `k in odd and f(f(f(k)))=27.` Then the value of k is ________

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  21. If `theta` is the fundamental period of the function `f(x) = sin^99 x+sin^99(x+(2pi)/3)+sin^99(x+(4pi)/3)` , then the complex number `z=|z|(cos theta+i sintheta)` lies in the quadrant number.

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  22. If `x=4/9` satisfies the equation `(log)_a(x^2-x+2)>(log)_a(-x^2+2x+3),` then the sum of all possible distinct values of `[x]` is (where`[dot]` represetns the greatest integer function) ___

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  23. If `4^x-2^(x+2)+5+||b-1|-3|-siny|, x , y , b in R ,` then the possible value of `b` is_________

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  24. If `f: N to N, and x_(2) gt x_(1) implies f(x_(2)) gt f(x) AA x_(1), x_(2) in N and f(f(n))=3n AA n in N," then " f(2)=` _______.

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  25. Log `f(x)=log((log)_(1//3)((log)_7(sinx+a)))` be defined for every real value of `x ,` then the possible value of `a` is 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

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  26. Let `f(x)=sin^(23)x-cos^(22)xa n dg(x)=1+1/2tan^(-1)|x|` . Then the number of values of `x` in the interval `[-10pi,8pi]` satisfying the equation `f(x)=sgn(g(x))` is __________

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  27. Suppose that `f(x)` is a function of the form `f(x)` `=(a x^8+b x^6+c x^4+dx^2+15 x+1)/x ,(x!=0) dot If `f(5)= -28` then the value of `f(-5)/14` is____

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  28. If `f:(2,-oo) -> [8, oo)` is a surjective function defined by `f(x) = x^2 - (p-2)x + 3p-2,p in R` then sum of values of p is `m+sqrtn`, where `m, n in N`. Find the value of `n/m`.

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  29. Period of the function
    `f(x)=sin((x)/(2))cos [(x)/(2)]-cos((x)/(2))sin[(x)/(2)]`, where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, is _________.

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  30. If the interval x satisfying the equation
    `[x] +[-x]=(log_(3)(x-2))/(|log_(3)(x-2)|) " is " (a,b), " then " a+b=` _______.

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  31. Let `f(x)` be a polynomial of degree 5 such that `f(|x|)=0` has 8 real distinct , Then number of real roots of `f(x)=0` is ________.

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Exercise (Numerical) questions and complete solutions for chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12