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Find the least number which must be subtracted from each of the following numbers so as to get a perfect square. Also find the square root of the perfect square so obtained.(i) 402   (ii)1989  (iii)3250  (iv) 825(v) 4000

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To find the least number that must be subtracted from each of the given numbers so that the result is a perfect square, we will use the long division method for finding square roots. Let's solve each part step by step.

(i) For 402:
1. Pair the digits: Start from the right, pair the digits: (4)(02).
2. Find the largest square: The largest square less than or equal to 4 is 2² = 4.
3. Subtract: 4 - 4 = 0. Bring down the next pair (02) to get 02.
4. Double the root: Double the root (2) to get 4. We need to find a digit (x) such that (40 + x)x ≤ 2.
5. Trial and error: Trying x = 0 gives us 0, which is less than 2. Trying x = 1 gives us 41, which is greater than 2. So, we take x = 0.
6. Remainder: 2 - 0 = 2. Thus, we need to subtract 2 from 402.
7. Perfect square: 402 - 2 = 400.
8. Square root: √400 = 20.

(ii) For 1989:
1. Pair the digits: (19)(89).
2. Find the largest square: The largest square less than or equal to 19 is 4² = 16.
3. Subtract: 19 - 16 = 3. Bring down the next pair (89) to get 389.
4. Double the root: Double the root (4) to get 8. We need to find a digit (x) such that (80 + x)x ≤ 389.
5. Trial and error: Trying x = 4 gives us 84 * 4 = 336, which is less than 389. Trying x = 5 gives us 85 * 5 = 425, which is greater than 389. So, we take x = 4.
6. Remainder: 389 - 336 = 53. Thus, we need to subtract 53 from 1989.
7. Perfect square: 1989 - 53 = 1936.
8. Square root: √1936 = 44.

(iii) For 3250:
1. Pair the digits: (32)(50).
2. Find the largest square: The largest square less than or equal to 32 is 5² = 25.
3. Subtract: 32 - 25 = 7. Bring down the next pair (50) to get 750.
4. Double the root: Double the root (5) to get 10. We need to find a digit (x) such that (100 + x)x ≤ 750.
5. Trial and error: Trying x = 7 gives us 107 * 7 = 749, which is less than 750. Trying x = 8 gives us 108 * 8 = 864, which is greater than 750. So, we take x = 7.
6. Remainder: 750 - 749 = 1. Thus, we need to subtract 1 from 3250.
7. Perfect square: 3250 - 1 = 3249.
8. Square root: √3249 = 57.

(iv) For 825:
1. Pair the digits: (8)(25).
2. Find the largest square: The largest square less than or equal to 8 is 2² = 4.
3. Subtract: 8 - 4 = 4. Bring down the next pair (25) to get 425.
4. Double the root: Double the root (2) to get 4. We need to find a digit (x) such that (40 + x)x ≤ 425.
5. Trial and error: Trying x = 9 gives us 49 * 9 = 441, which is greater than 425. Trying x = 8 gives us 48 * 8 = 384, which is less than 425. So, we take x = 8.
6. Remainder: 425 - 384 = 41. Thus, we need to subtract 41 from 825.
7. Perfect square: 825 - 41 = 784.
8. Square root: √784 = 28.

(v) For 4000:
1. Pair the digits: (40)(00).
2. Find the largest square: The largest square less than or equal to 40 is 6² = 36.
3. Subtract: 40 - 36 = 4. Bring down the next pair (00) to get 400.
4. Double the root: Double the root (6) to get 12. We need to find a digit (x) such that (120 + x)x ≤ 400.
5. Trial and error: Trying x = 3 gives us 123 * 3 = 369, which is less than 400. Trying x = 4 gives us 124 * 4 = 496, which is greater than 400. So, we take x = 3.
6. Remainder: 400 - 369 = 31. Thus, we need to subtract 31 from 4000.
7. Perfect square: 4000 - 31 = 3969.
8. Square root: √3969 = 63.

Summary of Results:
- For 402, subtract 2, perfect square is 400, square root is 20.
- For 1989, subtract 53, perfect square is 1936, square root is 44.
- For 3250, subtract 1, perfect square is 3249, square root is 57.
- For 825, subtract 41, perfect square is 784, square root is 28.
- For 4000, subtract 31, perfect square is 3969, square root is 63.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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