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Using Biot Savart's law, derive an expression for magnetic field due to a circular current carrying loop at any point on its axis. S

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Let R= be the radius of circular loop. I= be the current flowing anticlockwise, OX= be the axis of loop
P = be the point on the axis of loop, where we want to find magnetic field. OP = x
Idl= be the current element. According to Biot Savart.s law, the magnitude of magnetic field due to current element Idl at a distance r is given by
dB=μ04πIdl׈rr2=μ04πIdlr2 ...(1)
Resolving Magnetic field (dB) into two rectangular components:
(i) dBx=dBcosθ, along the axis of current loop and away from centre of loop.
(ii) dBy=dBsinθ, which is to axis of loop or coil. dBy=dBsinθ component of magnetic field due to each current element of loop is cancelled by dB.y=dB.sinθ component of magnet field due to equal and opposite current element on loop.
Sum of d By component of all current element is zero. dBx=dBcosθ components of magnetic field due to all current elements of loop are in same direction and hence added up. Therefore magnetic field at P is given by
B=ΣdBx=ΣdBcosθ=dBcosθ ...(2)
Now, cosθ=Rr
and dB=μ04πIdlr2
from (2), B=(μ04π)Idlr2×Rr
Since r=R2+x2anddl=2πR
=μ04π2πIR2(R2+x2)3/2 ...(3)
The direction of magnetic field is along x axis
equation (3) can be written as B=(μ04π)2πIR2(R2+x2)3/2
If coil has N turns, then the magnetic field at a distance x from centre of coil on its axis is given by B.=NB
using equation (3) B.=(μ04π)2πNIR2(R2+x2)3/2
Special cases: (i) If point of observation is far away from the loop or coil i.e., (x>>>R) then R2 can be neglected as compared to x2.
hence (R2+x2)x2, then equation (3) becomes
SInce area of coil or loop is given by, A=πR2
(ii) At the centre of the coil, x= 0
rArr B= (mu_(0))/(4pi) (2pi I cancel(R^(2)))/(R^(cancel3))

Updated on:21/07/2023

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