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Mark the correct statement/s-:


Gravitational potential at curvature centre of a thin hemispherical shell of radius R and mass M is equal to GMR


Gravitational field strength at point lying on the axis of a thin, uniform circular ring of radius R and mass M is equal to GMx(R2+x2)3/2 where x is distance of that point from centre of the ring.


Newton's law of gravitation for gravitational force between two bodies is applicable only when bodies have spherically symmetric distribution of mass


None of these

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The correct Answer is:B, C

To solve the question, we need to evaluate the statements regarding gravitational potential and gravitational field strength. Let's analyze each statement step by step.

Step 1: Evaluating the first statement
Statement: Gravitational potential at the center of a thin hemispherical shell of radius r and mass m is equal to gmr.

- The gravitational potential V at a point due to a mass m is given by the formula:
where G is the universal gravitational constant and r is the distance from the mass to the point where the potential is being calculated.
- For a thin hemispherical shell, every point on the shell is at a distance r from the center.
- Therefore, the gravitational potential at the center of the hemispherical shell is:
- Since the statement claims that the potential is gmr (without the negative sign), this statement is false.

Step 2: Evaluating the second statement
Statement: Gravitational field strength at a point on the axis of a thin uniform circular ring of radius r and mass m is given by a specific formula, where r is the distance of that point from the center of the ring.

- The gravitational field E at a point along the axis of a circular ring can be derived using symmetry.
- Consider a ring of radius r and mass m. The gravitational field at a point along the axis at distance x from the center of the ring can be calculated by considering the contributions from each mass element on the ring.
- Due to symmetry, the horizontal components of the gravitational field from opposite mass elements cancel out, while the vertical components add up.
- The resultant gravitational field strength E at a distance x from the center of the ring is given by:
- This expression shows that the gravitational field strength at that point is indeed dependent on the distance x from the center of the ring and the radius r of the ring.
- Thus, this statement is true.

Step 3: Evaluating the third statement
Statement: Newton's law of gravitation for gravitational force between two bodies is applicable only when two bodies are spherically symmetrically distributed mass.

- Newton's law of gravitation states that every point mass attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.
- This law is valid for all mass distributions, not just for spherically symmetric bodies. It can be applied to point masses, spherical bodies, and even non-spherical distributions using the principle of superposition.
- Therefore, this statement is false.

Final Evaluation of Statements
- Statement 1: False
- Statement 2: True
- Statement 3: False

The correct statements are:
- Only Statement 2 is true.
