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"A wrench of longer arm as compared to a wrench of shorter arm is preferred." Why?

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To understand why a wrench with a longer arm is preferred compared to a wrench with a shorter arm, we can analyze the concept of torque. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Understand Torque
Torque (τ) is defined as the rotational equivalent of linear force. It is calculated using the formula:
- τ is the torque,
- r is the distance from the axis of rotation to the point where the force is applied (also known as the lever arm),
- F is the force applied.

Step 2: Analyze the Formula
From the formula, we can see that torque is directly proportional to the distance r. This means that for a given force F, if the distance r increases, the torque τ also increases.

Step 3: Compare Wrenches
Now, consider two wrenches:
- Wrench A with a longer arm (greater r),
- Wrench B with a shorter arm (smaller r).

If both wrenches are used to apply the same force F, the torque produced by Wrench A will be greater than that produced by Wrench B because:
Since rA>rB, it follows that τA>τB.

Step 4: Conclusion
Therefore, a wrench with a longer arm allows a greater torque to be applied for the same amount of force. This makes it easier to turn bolts or nuts, which is why a wrench with a longer arm is preferred.

In summary, a wrench with a longer arm is preferred because it generates more torque for the same applied force, making it more effective for loosening or tightening fasteners.

