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A pipe of varying area of cross-section is held such that its axis is horizontal. At two cross sections A and B, its radii are 8 cm and 4 cm. If velocity of water at A through the pipe is 16 cm s1 and pressure at A is 106 dyne/cm2 , find the pressure at cross-section B.

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To find the pressure at cross-section B of a pipe with varying cross-section, we can apply the principles of fluid dynamics, specifically the continuity equation and Bernoulli's theorem. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Determine the Areas of Cross Sections A and B
Given the radii:
- Radius at A, rA=8cm
- Radius at B, rB=4cm

The area of a circle is given by the formula:
Calculating the areas:
- Area at A:
- Area at B:

Step 2: Use the Continuity Equation
The continuity equation states that the product of the cross-sectional area and the velocity of the fluid must be constant along the flow:
- VA=16cm/s (velocity at A)
- VB is the unknown velocity at B.

Rearranging the equation to solve for VB:
Substituting the values:

Step 3: Apply Bernoulli's Theorem
Bernoulli's theorem states:
Since the pipe is horizontal, the heights hA and hB are equal, thus the gravitational potential energy terms cancel out. We can simplify to:
Rearranging gives us:

Step 4: Substitute Known Values
- PA=106dyne/cm2
- VA=16cm/s
- VB=64cm/s
- Density of water ρ=1g/cm3=1000kg/m3=1000dyne/cm3

Substituting into the equation:
Calculating the kinetic energy terms:

Final Answer
Thus, the pressure at cross-section B is:

Updated on:18/9/2024

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