Young-Laplace law states that the excess pressure inside a soap bubble of radius R is given by ΔP=4σ/R where σ is the coefficient of surface tension of the soap. The E⋅⋅otv⋅⋅os number E0 is a dimensionless number that is used to describe the shape of bubbles rising through a surrounding fluid. It is a combination of g, the acceleration due to gravity, ρ, the density of the surrounding fluid, σ and a characterstic length scale L which could be the radius of the bubble. A possible expression for E0 is
The correct Answer is:C
Check dimensionally
as σ=Fl⇒[σ]=[MLT−2][L]
and ρ=[ML−3]
Now, ρgL2σ=[ML−3][LT−2][L2][MT−2]
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