A traffic policeman standing on a road sounds a whistle emitting the main frequency of 2.00 kHz. What could be the apparent frequency heard by a scooter driver approaching the policeman at a speed of 36.0kmh1? Speed of sound in air =340ms1.Solution in Gujrati

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The correct Answer is:B

Let, u = Velocity of sound
υm=velocityofthemedium<br>upsilon_0 = velocity of the observer
υs=velocityofthesources<br>f = ((vec u + vec upsilon_m - vec upsilon_0)/(upsilon + upsilon_m - upsilon_s))F<br>UsingsignconventionsDoppr'seffect<br>upsilon_m = 0, u = 340 m//s,<br>upsilo _s = 0 and vec upsilon_0 = -10 m<br>(36km/h=10m/s)
=2.06 kHz.


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