Capacitor preferred when there is high frequency in the circuits is __________
a) Electrolyte capacitor
b) Mica capacitor
c) Air capacitor
d) Glass capacitor
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Since the aceleration of theball during the cobtact is different from g, we have to treat the downward motion and the upward motion separately. For the downward motion a=g=9.8ms2,<br>x=ut+1/2 at^2=(4.9 m/s^2)t^2.<br>theballreachesthegroundwhenx=19.6m.thisgivest=2s.Aftertˆitmovesup,xdecreasesandatt=4s,xbecomeszero,theballreaχngtheitialp.<br>Wehavett=0,<br>,x=0<br>t=1,x=4.9m<br>t=2s,x=19.6m<br>t=3s,x=4.9m<br>t=4s,x=0.<br><imgaocr_imageloadg=lazysrc=;>.<br>Velocity:Durgthefirsttwoseconds<br>v=u+at=(9.8 m/s^2)t<br>at t=0, v=0<br>at t=1s, v=9.8 m/s<br>att=2s,v=19.6ms
During the next two seconds the ball goes upwrd, velocity is negtive, magnitude decreasing and tat t=4,sv=0 Thus,
at t=3s, v=-9.8 m/s
at t=4s, v=0
At t=2s there is an abrupt change in velocilty from 19.6 m,/s to -19.6 m/s In fasct this change in velocity takes plce over a small interval during which the ball remains in contact with the ground.
Acceleration: THe acceleration is constant 9.8ms2 throughtout the motion (except t t=2s). ocr_image
