Oxygen is filled in a closed metal jar of volume 1.0×10−3m3 at a pressure of 1.5×105Pa. and temperature 400K.The jar has a small leak in it. The atmospheric pressure is 1.0×105Pa and the atmospheric temperature is 300K. Find the mass of the gas that leaks out by time the pressure and the temperature inside the jar equlise with the surrounding.Solution in Gujrati
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View SolutionOxygen is filled in a closed metal jar of volume 1.0×10−3m3 at a pressure of 1.5×105Pa. and temperature 400K.The jar has a small leak in it. The atmospheric pressure is 1.0×105Pa and the atmospheric temperature is 300K. Find the mass of the gas that leaks out by time the pressure and the temperature inside the jar equlise with the surrounding.
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View Solution1.0×10−3m3 કદના એક પાત્રમાં O2 વાયુ 1.5×105 Pa દબાણે અને 400K તાપમાને ભરેલ છે. આ પાત્રમાં એક છિદ્રને કારણે વાયુ ધીરે ધીરે “લીક' થાય છે. જો વાતાવરણનું દબાણ 1.0×105Pa અને તાપમાન 300 K હોય, તો પાત્રમાં રહેલા વાયુનું તાપમાન અને દબાણ વાતાવરણના તાપમાન અને દબાણ જેટલાં થાય ત્યાં સુધીમાં કેટલો વાયુ “લીક' થાય ?
View SolutionThe pressure P of the gas in jar A, volume V and temperature T and the pressure of another gas in jar B is 2p, volume (V)/(4) and the temperature is 2T, then the ratio of the number of molecules in jar A and B will be
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