Nine persons A, B,S, C, U, V, D and X. They live on a separate floor of a nine floor building but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered 1, the first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered Nine. X lives an odd number floor above the floor number 5. There are two persons live between X and S. B lives on odd number floor but not immediate above and immediate below S. There are as many persons between S and U is same as S and V. U lives below S. Q live on ground floor. There is one person lives between C and X. D does not live on an even number floor. A sits on even numbered floor but above on 2nd floor.
Who lives on the floor numbered 5 ?
None of these
The correct Answer is:D
Step-1 : X lives an odd number floor above number 5. There are two persons live between X and S . B lives on odd number floor but not above and below S. There should be two possible cases.
Step 2: There are as many persons between S and U is same, as S and V. U lives below S. Q live on ground floor. There is one person between C and X and D does not sit on even numbered floor.
Final Step:- There is one person lives between C and X. D does not live an even number floor, From here we can conclude the position of V and U. A sits at even numbered floor but above on 2nd floor. So Case 2 will be cancelled.

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