Study the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
Eight people- A, B, C, D, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a circle facing the centre. All eight people are from different place i.e. Okhla, Dwarka, Lajpat Nagar, Chanakyapuri, Saket, Mehrauli, Rohini and Karol Bagh but not necessarily in the same order. _W is sitting third to the left of Y. The person who is from - Dwarka is to the immediate right of W and W is not from - Okhla. B is sitting fourth to the right of Z. Z is not the neighbour of Y. Neither B nor Z is an immediate neighbour of W.X is from Chanakyapuri and is sitting third to the right of the person from Dwarka. The person from Mehrauli is sitting second to the left of person from Chanakyapuri. The person from Rohini is sitting second to the left of W. A, who is from Lajpat Nagar is sitting exactly between X and Z. The person from Saket is sitting second to the right of the person from Lajpat Nagar. C is sitting third to the left of X.
Who amongst the following persons belongs to Okhla?
The correct Answer is:A
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(इ) एड्स।
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