Let the speed of the planet at the perhelion Pin Fig. 8.1 (a) be vp and the sun-planat distance SP be rp. Relate (rp'vp) to the corresponding quantities at the aphelion (rA.vA) will the planat take equal times to traverse BAC and CPB?
According to law of conservation of angular momentum. Angular momentum of the planet at P = Angular momentum of the planet at A
⇒mVPrP=mVArA (or) VPVA=rArP Since rA>rP or VP>VA
Here area SBAC is greater than the area SCPB.
According to Kepler.s second law, as the areal velocity of the planet is constant around the sun, i.e equal areas are swept on equal times, hence the planet will take longer time to traverse BAC than CPB.
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