Study the following information to ansnerte given questions.
the input and the steps of rearrangement.
Input: going but for crept te light sir
Step I: crept going but for te light sir
Step II: crept going light but forte sir
Step III: crept going light but for sir te
(Step III is the last step for this input)
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in the given questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: more fight cats cough sough acts idea.
Which of the following steps would be the last step for this input?
The correct Answer is:D
The word with the maximum number of letters is put first. two words have the same number of letters, we go for alphabetical arrangement.
Step 1: cough more fight cats sough acts idea.
Step II: cough fight more cats sough acts idea.
Step III: cough fight sough more cats acts idea.
Step IV: cough fight sough more cats acts idea.
Step V: cough fight sough acts cats more idea.
Step VI: cough fight sough acts cats idea more.
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View Solutionदिखाइए कि निर्वात में प्रकाश की चाल c=1√μ0ε0 होती ही।
View Solutionचुम्बकीय प्रवृति का मान कम परन्तु धनात्मक होता है -
View Solutionदिये गये चित्र में एक LCR परिपथ दिखाया गया है एक प्रत्यावर्ती धारा स्त्रोत वोल्टता V=100sin500t परिपथ से जुड़ा है परिपथ के लिए गणना कीजिए -(i ) प्रतिबाधा (ii ) शक्ति गुणांक ।(iii ) धारा का शिखर मान ।
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(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|
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