A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is lie illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement:
Input: 75,133,37, 15,79,113,63,29
Step 1:29,133,37,15,79,113,63,75
Sep II: 29,63,37, 15,79,113,133,751
Step III: 29,63,113,15,79,37,133,75
Step V: 121,81,25,256,36,100,49,144
Step VI: 119,77,19,248,26,88,35,128
Step VII: 128,77,19,248,26,88,35,119
Step VIII: 128,35,19,248,26,88,77,119 and so on.
If following is the Step IV of the input, what will be the input? Step IV: 121,169,81,144,100,49
Cannot be determined
The correct Answer is:D
Here, rule followed is: The first and the last numbers are interchanged in first step and so are the second and the second-last in second step and so on in each step, until the series is arranged in reverse order. Now, the sum of digits is calculated and square of that sum is substituted in the next step.
The next step is arrived at by deducting 2,4,6,8....... (depends on no. of terms in the input) from the number in the pervious step respectively.
Hereafter, the same process is repeated.
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