Why is damage to the ozone layer a cause for concern? What steps are being taken to limit this damage?

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Step 1. Ozone layer is a protective shield around the Earth. It prevents harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun from reaching the Earth. Air pollutants, like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), are causing depletion of ozone layer.
Step 2. Depletion of ozone layer is allowing greater amount of UV radiation to reach the Earth. UV radiation can affect the ecosystem by affecting photosynthesis in plants, destroying planktons and decomposers. In human beings, UV radiation may cause skin cancer, cataract of eyes and damage to immune system.
Many developed as well as developing nations of the world have agreed to sign and obey the directions of UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) to freeze the production of CFCs or to limit their production to some extent.
