Define pollination. Explain the different types of pollination. List two agents of
pollination. How does suitable pollination lead to fertilization?

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Pollination : Transfer of pollen from anther /stamen to stigma of the flower. Type of pollination:
(a) Self-pollination :n Transfer of pollen fromanther / stamen to stigma occurs in the same flower.
(b) Cross-pollination : Pollen is transferred from anther / stamen of one flower to stigma of another flower Agents of pollination : Wind, Water, Insects and Animals.
A tube grows out of the pollen grain and travels through the style, to reach the female germ cell in the ovary to cause fertilization.
Detailed Answer :
Pollination is the mechanism of transfer of pollen grains (shed from the anther) to the stigma of a pistil
Depending on transfer of pollens, pollination can be of following types :
(i) Self-pollination : Pollen is transferred to stigma of a flower on the same parent plant.
(ii) Cross-pollination : Pollen is transferred to stigma of flower of different parent plants.
Two agents of pollination are abiotic (i.e. wind) and biotic (i.e. animals). If the pollen of the right type is deposited on to the stigma of the flower of the same species, the pistil accepts the pollen and promotes post-pollination events. The pollen grains germinate on stigma to produce a pollen tube. The pollen tube carries male gametes to ovule present inside the ovary leading to fertilization.
