Assertion : Single cell proteins can help to meet increasing demands of growing population.
Reason : SCP now can be produced in high amount commercially, using low cost substrates.Solution in Odia
If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
If assertion is true bur reason is false.
if both assertion and reason are false.
The correct Answer is:A
Single Cell Proteins (SCP) are proteins produced using bacteria, fungi, algae, etc. SCP is a misnomer term because these are not always produced by single celled organisms. Multicellular algae and fungi may also be used. SCP can help to meet increasing demands of population because of high rate of biomass production and facility to produce it. commercially throughout the year. Agriculture crops require large fields and yield is dependent upon the various conditions. This problem is not there in SCP production. SCP also produce biomass at a higher rate. It has been estimated that a 250kg cow produces 200g of protein per day. In the same period 250g of microorganisms like Methylophilus methylotrophus can produce about 25 tonnes of protein.
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View Solutionनिम्न में से कौन सा/से कथन एकल कोशिका प्रोटीन (SCP) के लिये सही नहीं है/हैं-
(i) जैव मात्रा केवल एककोशिकीय सूक्ष्मजीवों से प्राप्त होती है।
(ii) यह प्रोटीन से परिपूर्ण पूरक स्रोत प्रदान करती है।
(iii) SCP का उत्पादन बैक्टीरिया और एल्गी का उपयोग करके कर सकते हैं, परन्तु फन्जाई द्वारा नहीं।
(iv) यह वातावरणीय प्रदूषण को कम करने में मदद करती है।
(v) SCP को उपयोग से पहले प्रोसेस करते हैं।
View Solutionअभिकथनः एकल कोशिका प्रोटीन वृद्धि करती हुई समष्टि की आवश्यकताओं को पूर्ण करने में मदद करती हैं।
तर्कः अब SCP कम मूल्य के सब्सट्रेट्स का उपयोग करके व्यावसायिक रूप से उच्च मात्रा में उत्पादित की जा सकती हैं।
View SolutionWhich of the following statement is/are not correct for single cell protein (SCP)?
i) The biomass is obtained rom unicellular microorganism only.
ii) It protein rich supplement
iii) SCP can be produced by using bacteria and algae but not fungi.
iv) It helps to minimise environmental pollution.
v) SCP has to be processed before use.
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View SolutionSingle Cell Protein (SCP) is
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