The position vectors of three particles are given by
→x1=(5ˆi+5ˆj)m,→x2=(5tˆi+5tˆj)mand→x3=(5tˆi+10t2ˆj)m as a function of time t. Determine the velocity and acceleration for each, in SI units.Solution in Marathi
→v1=d→x1/dt=0 as →x1 does not depend on time t.
Thus, the particle is at rest.
→v2=d→x2/dt=5ˆi+5ˆjm/s.→v2 does not change with time. ∴→a2=0
→v2=√52+52=5√2m/s,tanθ=5/5=1 or θ=45∘. Thus, the direction of v2, makes an angle of 45∘ to the horizontal.
∴v3=√52+(20t)2m/s. Its direction is along
θ=tan−1(20t5) with the horizontal.
Thus, the particle 3 is getting accelerated along the y-axis at 20m/s2.
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