Discuss the general character of red algae. Solution in Punjabi

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General characters of red algae are as follows :
(i) Red algae are photoautotrophic in nature. A few algae are heterotrophic in nature. Examples : Riccardia, Harveyella.
(ii) In red algae the cells are eukaryotic i.e., possess true nuclei.
(iii) The cell wall is made up of cellulose, pectic compounds and certain mucopolysaccharides.
(iv) The cytoplasm bears the coloured plastids, called chromatophores.
(v) The photosynthetic pigments are -chlorophyll a, chlorophyll d, carotenes, xanthophylls and phycobilins.
(vi) The characteristic red colour of red algae is due to presence of excess amount of r-phycoerythrin ( red in colour ) which masks the colour of other pigments.
(vii) In deep water, the red algae appear more red because of the formation of more phycoerythrin than chlorophyll.
(viii) The reserve food material is in the form of floridean starch.
(ix) In red algae there is no flagellated or motile cellls formed at any stage in their life cycle.
(x) Vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation. Asexual reproduction occurs by monospores, neutral spores, carpospores, tetraspores etc.
(xi) Sexual reproduction is of oogamous type. The male sex organs are antheridia and female sex organs and carpogonia.
