Discuss the general characters of green algae.Solution in Punjabi

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General characters of green algae are as follows :
(i) The memebers of green algae are present both in aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats.
(ii) Thallus organisation is variable in class green algae. Thallus may be unicellular, multicellular, unbranched, branched, filamentous, etc.
(iii) Chloroplast is present in green algae. It contains chlorophyll a and b.
(iv) The cell wall is made up of cellulose.
(v) The protoplast is covered by plasma membrane. It contains mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum golgi body etc.
(vi) The main reserve food material is starch.
(vii) Well defined nucleus is present in gree algae, thus eukaryotic in nature.
(viii) The main mode of reproduction in green algae are asexual and sexual.
(ix) Asexual reproduction occurs by zoospore, aplanospore, hypnospore and akinetes.
(x) Sexual reproduction may be isogamous, anisogamous and oogamous.
