It is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid summer.
Which plant hormone can replace the cold treatment?Solution in Punjabi
Step by step video & image solution for It is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid summer. Which plant hormone can replace the cold treatment? by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Topper's Solved these Questions
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View SolutionSome varieties of wheat are known as spring wheat while others are called winter wheat. Former variety is sown and planted in spring and is harvested by the end of the same season. Hower winter varietis if planted in spring fail to flower or produce mature grains within a span of a slowering season . Explain, why?
View SolutionIt is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid summer ltbvrgt A.what could be the probable reason for this ?
B. what term is used for this promotion of lowering under low temperature?
C. which palnt hormone can replace the cold treatment?
View SolutionWinter varieties of annual plants are planted in autumn, they germinate, and over winter come out as small seedlings, resume growth in spring and are harvested around mid-summer.
View SolutionSome varieties of wheat are known as spring wheat while others are called winter wheat. Former variety is sown and planted in spring and is harvested by the end of the same season. Hower winter varietis if planted in spring fail to flower or produce mature grains within a span of a flowering season . Explain, why?
View SolutionIt is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid summer.
A.what could be the probable reason for this ?
B. what term is used for this promotion of flowering under low temperature?
C. which palnt hormone can replace the cold treatment?
View Solutionगेंहूँ की कुछ किस्में बसंत ऋतु गेंहूँ के नाम से जानी जाती हैं जबकि कुछ शीतकालीन गेंहूँ कहलाती हैं। पहली वाली किस्म की बुआई या रोपण बसंत ऋतु में किया जाता है तथा इसकी कटाई भी इसी ऋतु में हो जाती है। जबकि शीतकालीन किस्में, यदि बसंत ऋतु में रोपित किया जाए तो उनसे पुष्प उत्पन्न नहीं होते या पुष्पीकरण काल में परिपक्व दाने उत्पन्न नहीं होते। व्याख्या कीजिए, ऐसा क्यों होता है?
View Solutionयह ज्ञात हो चुका है कि गेंहूँ की कुछ किस्मों को पतझड़ के मौसम में बोया जाता है, परंतु इनकी कटाई अगले मध्य ग्रीष्म में होती है।
(a) इसके लिए संभावित कारण क्या हो सकते हैं?
(b) निम्न ताप के अंतर्गत होने वाले इस पुष्पीकरण के लिए किस शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
(c) कौन-सा पादप हार्मोन शीत-उपचार का स्थान ले सकता है?
View Solutionकथन :- गेहूँ व राई की शीत किस्में पतझड़ ऋतु में बोई जाती है, न कि बसंत में।
कारण :- यदि जाड़े की किश्मों को बसन्त में बोया जाये तो, वे सामान्यतया एक ही पुष्पन मौसम / ऋतु में पुष्प एवं परिपक्व बीज बनाने में असफल हो जाते हैं ।
View SolutionSome varieties of wheat are known as spring wheat while others are called winter wheat. Former variety is sown and planted in spring and is harvested by the end of the same season. However, winter varieties, if planted in spring, fail to flower or produce mature grains within a span of a flowering season. Explain, why?
View SolutionIt is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid summer.
(A) What could be the probable reason for this?
(B) What term is used for this promotion of lowering under low temperature ?
(C) Which plant hormone can replace the cold treatment?
View SolutionSome varieties of wheat are known as spring wheat while others are called winter wheat Former variety is sown, and planted in spring and It is harvested by the end of the same season. However, winter varieties, if planted in spring, fail to flower or produce mature grains within aspan of a flowering season. Explain, why? Mineral nutrition.
View SolutionIt is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid-summer. What could be the probable reason for this?
View SolutionIt is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid-summer. What term is used for this promotion of flowering under low temperature?
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