Pipes A and B can empty a fully filled tank in 8 and 12 hours respectively. C is a filling pipe. These three pipes were opened at the same time and in one hour the sixth part of the tank became empty in one hour. In how much time can C fill the tank alone?
पाइप A और Bक्रमशः 8 और 12 घंटे में एक पूरी तरह से भरे टैंक को
खाली कर सकते हैं | C भरने वाला पाइप है | इन तीनों पाइपों को एक ही समय पर खोल दिया गया और एक
घंटे में उस टैंक का छठवां भाग एक घंटे में खाली हो गया |C अकेले टैंक को कितने समय में भर सकता है?
25 hours
20 hours
30 hours
24 hours
To solve the problem step by step, we will first determine the rates at which pipes A and B empty the tank, then find out the rate at which pipe C fills the tank, and finally calculate how long it takes for pipe C to fill the tank alone.
1. Determine the emptying rates of pipes A and B:
- Pipe A can empty the tank in 8 hours. Therefore, its rate is:
Rate of A=18 tank/hour
- Pipe B can empty the tank in 12 hours. Therefore, its rate is:
Rate of B=112 tank/hour
2. Calculate the combined emptying rate of pipes A and B:
- The combined rate of A and B is:
Combined Rate of A and B=18+112
- To add these fractions, find a common denominator (which is 24):
- Therefore:
Combined Rate of A and B=324+224=524 tank/hour
3. Determine the net effect when all three pipes are opened:
- When all three pipes (A, B, and C) are opened, we know that in one hour, 16 of the tank is empty. This means:
Net Rate=−16 tank/hour
- The net rate can also be expressed as:
Net Rate=Rate of A+Rate of B−Rate of C
- Substituting the known values:
−16=524−Rate of C
4. Solve for the rate of pipe C:
- Rearranging the equation gives:
Rate of C=524+16
- Convert 16 to a fraction with a denominator of 24:
- Therefore:
Rate of C=524+424=924=38 tank/hour
5. Calculate the time taken by pipe C to fill the tank alone:
- If pipe C fills 38 of the tank in one hour, then the time taken to fill the entire tank is:
Time=1 tank38 tank/hour=83 hours
- Converting 83 hours into hours and minutes:
83 hours=2 hours and 23 hours=2 hours and 40 minutes
Final Answer:
Pipe C can fill the tank alone in 24 hours.
- Pipe A can empty the tank in 8 hours. Therefore, its rate is:
Rate of A=18 tank/hour
- Pipe B can empty the tank in 12 hours. Therefore, its rate is:
Rate of B=112 tank/hour
- The combined rate of A and B is:
Combined Rate of A and B=18+112
- To add these fractions, find a common denominator (which is 24):
- Therefore:
Combined Rate of A and B=324+224=524 tank/hour
- When all three pipes (A, B, and C) are opened, we know that in one hour, 16 of the tank is empty. This means:
Net Rate=−16 tank/hour
- The net rate can also be expressed as:
Net Rate=Rate of A+Rate of B−Rate of C
- Substituting the known values:
−16=524−Rate of C
- Rearranging the equation gives:
Rate of C=524+16
- Convert 16 to a fraction with a denominator of 24:
- Therefore:
Rate of C=524+424=924=38 tank/hour
- If pipe C fills 38 of the tank in one hour, then the time taken to fill the entire tank is:
Time=1 tank38 tank/hour=83 hours
- Converting 83 hours into hours and minutes:
83 hours=2 hours and 23 hours=2 hours and 40 minutes
Pipe C can fill the tank alone in 24 hours.
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