What kind of evidences suggested that man is more closely related with chimpanzee than with other hominoid apes?
Evidence from DNA of sex chromosomes, only
Comparison of chromosome morphology and number
Evidence from fossil remains, and the fossil mitochondrial DNA alone
Evidence from banding pattern of chromosome 3 and 6
The correct Answer is:D
A comparative study of the banded chromosome of man and the great ape has shown that the total amount of DNA in human diploid cells and that of the ape is more or less similar. It has also been observed that the banding pattern of individual human chromosomes is very similar to the banding pattern of corresponding chromosomes in ape. The banding pattern of human chromosome numbers 3 and 6 are compared with those of particualr autosomes in the chimpanzee. It shows a common origin for man and chimpanzee.
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