In a nuclear reactor a neutron of high speed (typically ) must be slowed to of interacting with isotope and causing it to fission . Show that a neutron can lose most of its kinetic energy in an elastic collision with a light nuclei like deuterium or carbon which has a mass of only a few times the neutron mass . the material making up the light nuclei , usually heavy water or graphite is called a moderator . Solution in Gujrati
Suppose the mass of neutron is and its initial velocity is .
Its initial kinetic energy is
The frictional kinetic lost is ,
[ From equation (1) and (2) ]
Final kinetic energy of moderating nuclei
The frictional kinetic energy gained has the moderating nuclei ,
[ from result (3) and (4) ]
For deuterium
For deuterium ,
For carbon
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View SolutionIn a nuclear reactor, a neutron of high speed (~~10^(7)ms^(-1)) must be slowed down to 10^(3)ms^(-1) so that it can have a high probality of interacting with isotipe _92U^(235) and causing it to fission. Show that a neutron can lose most of its K.E. in an elastic collision with a light nuclei like deuterium or carbon which has a mass of only a fewe times the neutron mass. The material making up the light nuclei usually heavy water (D_(2)O) or graphite is called modertaor.
View SolutionIn a nuclear reactor, the neutrons produced in fission reaction have high kinetic energy of the order of few MeV. Whereas the U^(235) nucleus fissions only iwht a slow neutron. In a reactor heavy water (D_(2)O) is used to slow down the neutrons. A neutron hiting a deuterium nucleus slows down quickly. Calculate now many head on, elastic collisions must a neutron have with deuterium nuclei to reduce does not lose energy by any other way apart from collisions with deuterium. [Take "log"_(10)2=0.301 and "log"_(10)3=0.477 ]
View SolutionModerator is used in a nuclear to slow down fast neutrons generated after a fission event in the reactor consider a fast neutron (mass mn) moving at speed v. The neutron hits a moderator nucleus (Mass M), which is originally static, and gets scattered elastically by 180∘
(a) Find te rato of kinetic energy of the neutron after and before collision.
(b) Show that when M>>mn, neutron does not lose much energy and therefore, a moderator should have a small mass number.
View SolutionModerator is a material which is used to slow down the neutrons produced during nuclear fission. The neutrons from the source are of high speed and energy. Heavy water or graphite moderators slow down the speed of the neutrons. The energy of fast moving neutrons decreases from 2MeV to 0.02535 eV, it corresponds to the velocity of 220 m "sec"^(-1) . At this velocity, the neutrons are in thermal equilibrium with the moderator. such neutrons are called thermal neutrons. Thermal neutrons cause further fission reaction. The essential characterstices of moderators are: (i) Its molar mass must be low, (ii) It should not absorb neutrons. (iii) It should undergo elastic collisions with neutrons. The moderator in a reactor:
View SolutionModerator is a material which is used to slow down the neutrons produced during nuclear fission. The neutrons from the source are of high speed and energy. Heavy water or graphite moderators slow down the speed of the neutrons. The energy of fast moving neutrons decreases from 2MeV to 0.02535 eV, it corresponds to the velocity of 220 m sec−1. At this velocity, the neutrons are in thermal equilibrium with the moderator. such neutrons are called thermal neutrons. Thermal neutrons cause further fission reaction. The essential characterstices of moderators are:
(i) Its molar mass must be low,
(ii) It should not absorb neutrons.
(iii) It should undergo elastic collisions with neutrons.
Moderator in the reactor yields:
View SolutionAssertion: Heavy water is used to slow down neutron in nuclear reactor.
Reason: It does not react with slow speed neutron and mass of deuterium is comparable to the neutron
View Solutionकिसी नाभिकीय रिऐक्टर में तीव्रगामी न्यूट्रॉन (विशिष्ट रूप से वेग 107ms−1) को 103ms−1 के वेग तक मंदीत कर दिया जाना है ताकि नाभिकीय विखंडन अभिक्रिया में न्यूट्रॉन की युरेनियम के समस्थानिक 23592U से अन्योन्यक्रिया करने को प्रायिकता उच्च हो जाए । सिद्ध कीजिए कि न्यूट्रॉन एक हलके नाभिक , जैसे डयूटीरियम इस कार्बन जिसका द्रव्यमान न्यूट्रॉन के द्रव्यमान का मात्र कुछ गुना है , से प्रत्यास्थ संघट्ट करने में अपनी अधिकांश गणिज ऊर्जा की क्षति कर देता है । ऐसे पदार्थ प्रायः भारी जल (D2O) अथवा ग्रेफाइट , जो न्यूट्रॉनो की गति को मंद कर देते है 'मंदक' कहलाते है ।
View SolutionFor a chain nuclear fission of U^(235) the moderation of neutron is a must because very high energy neutron
View Solutionगतिशील न्यूट्रॉनों का मंदन : किसी नाभिकीय रिएक्टर में तीव्रगामी न्यूट्रॉन ( विशिष्ट रूप से वेग 107 m/s ) को 103 m/s के वेग तक मंडित कर दिया जाना चाहिय्ये ताकि नाभिकीय विखंडन अभिक्रियाओं में न्यूट्रॉन की यूरेनियम के समस्थानिक .23592U से अन्योन्य क्रिया करने की प्रायिकता उच्च हो जाए। सिद्ध कीजिये की न्यूट्रॉन एक हल्केनाभिक , जैसे ड्यूटीरियम या कार्बन जिसका द्रव्यमान न्यूट्रॉन के द्रव्यमान का मात्र कुछ गुना है , से प्रत्यास्थ संघट्ट करने में अपनी अधिकांश गतिज ऊर्जा की क्षति कर देता है। ऐसे पदार्थ प्रायः भरी जल (D2O) अथवा ग्रेफाइट , जो न्यूट्रॉनों की गति को मंद कर देते है , ' मंदक ' कहलाते है ।
View Solutionगतिशील न्यूट्रॉनों का मंदन - किसी नाभिकीय रिएक्टर में तीव्रगामी न्यूट्रॉनों (विशिष्ट रूप से वेग 107ms−1 ) को 103ms−1 के वेग तक मंदित क्र दिया जाना चाहिए टटकी नाभिकीय विखंडन अभिक्रिया में न्यूट्रॉन की यूरेनियम के समस्थानिक 23592U से आयोग किग्रा करने की प्रायिकता उच्च हो जाए। सिद्ध कीजिए की न्यूट्रॉन एक हलके नाभिक , जैसे ड्युटीरियम या कार्बन जिसका द्रव्यमान न्यूट्रॉन के द्रव्यमान का मात्र कुछ गुना है , से प्रत्यास्थ संघट्ट करने में अपनी अधिकांश अतिज ऊर्जा की क्षति के देता है। ऐसे पदार्थ प्रायः भारी जल (D2O) अथवा ग्रेफाइट , जो न्यूट्रॉनों की गति को मंद क्र देते है, मंदक कहलाते है।
View SolutionIn a nuclear reactor a neutron of high speed (typically 107ms−1) must be slowed to 103ms−1 so that it can have a high probability of interacting with isotope 23592U and causing it to fission. Show that a neutron can lose most of its kinetic energy in an elastic collision with a light nuclet like deuterium or carbon which has a mass of only a few times the neutron mass. The material making up the light nuclet, usually heavy water (D2O) or graphite, is called a moderator.
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