How will you infer with the help of an experiment that the same current flows through every part of the circuit containing three resistance in series connected to a battery ?

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.Construct a series circuit as shown in the figure.
.Measures the potential difference across each resistor by connecting a voltmeter parallel to the resistor.
.Connect the voltmeter so as to read the potential difference across all the resistances (total potenetial difference).
.Record the ammeter reading through each resistor and the total current in the circuit.
.Record the ammeter reading through each resistor and the total current in the ciruit.
.Calculate the equivalent resistance from the reading.
.Voltmetre shows different measurements across each resistances as V1V2,andV3 across R1,R2andR3 respectively.
Conclusion: Current flowing thorugh all the resistances in series in a circuit is same.


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