Obtain an expression of acceleration produced by gravity of earth. OR Obtain general equation of gravitation force at distance r from the centre of earth and derive the equation of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth. Solution in Gujrati
⇒ Imagined a earth to be a sphere made of a large number of concentric spherical shells with the smallest one at the centre and the largest one at its surface.
⇒ A point outside the earth is outside all the shells.
⇒ Thus, all the shells exert a gravitational force at the point outside just as if their masses are concentrated at their common centre.
⇒ For a point inside the earth, the situation is different. This is illustrated in figure.
(##KPKAIOPHYXIP1C08E01012_Q01.png width=80%><br>impliesConsrtheearth→bemadeupofconcentricshells.<br>impliesAp∮massmissituatedatadistancer(r lt R_E)<br>impliesomthecentre.Thep∮Pliesoutsthesphereofradiusr.Fortheshellsofradiusgreaterthanr,thep∮Plies∈s.Hence,nogravitationalforceexertonmassmkeptatP<br>impliesIfmassofpartic≤ismatP,massofspherem,withradiusr,thentheforceonthemassmatPhasamagnitudeofforce<br>implies F =(GmM_(r))/r^2 " "...(1)<br>impliesWeas∑etˆtheentireearthisofuniformdensity.<br>HenceitsmassisM_E = (4/3 piR_E^3)rho<br>:. 4/3 pirho = M_E/ R_E^3 " "...(2)<br>impliesButM_r = 4/3 pir^(3) rho " "...(3)<br>impliesPu∈gvalueofequation(3)∈equation(1)<br>implies :. F = (Gm)/(r^2)((4)/(3) pir^3rho)<br>implies F = Gm (4/3pi rho)r " " ... (4)<br>impliesValueofequation(2)∈equation(4),<br>Equation∈dicatesforFr,r<RGravitationalforceforthecentreofearthwillber=0,F=0Ifthemassmissituatedonthesurfaceofearth,thenr=Rpthegravitationalforceonitis,<br>F = ((GM_Em)/(R_E^3)).R_E<br>:. F = (GM_Em)/(R_E^2) " "....(6)<br>implies Theae≤rationexperiencedbythemassmisde¬edbyg.Aord∈g→New→n.ssecondlaw,<br>F = mg " "... (7)<br>impliesEquat∈gequation(6)and(7),<br>:. mg = (GM_(E)m)/(R_E^2)<br>:. g = (GM_E)/(R_E^2)" "....(8)<br>impliesAe≤rationgisreadilymeasurab≤.<br>G = 6.61 x 10^(-11) "Nm"^(2) //kg^(2), M_E = 6 xx 10^(24) kg<br>R_E = 6400 km,thenvaluegcanbeobta∈ed.g = 9.77050 m//s^(2) = 9.8 m//s^(2).<br>impliesThemeasurementofGiscomb∈edwithknow≤d≥ofgandR_Eenab≤so≠→estimateM_E. This is the reason why there is a popular statement regarding Cavendish : "Cavendish weighed the earth".
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