(186) a country needs money for a development project, what can it do? It can (187) to the World Bank or Asian Development Bank for aid. A country with a foreign currency problem can ask the International Monetary Fund for (188). However, (189) there is no way out for a country which has shortage of food. The country cannot (190) import the food if it is rare like pulses which are grown only by a few countries in such cases the problem is more (191). This situation has led experts to suggest the (192) of establishing a World Agricultural Bank. The food situation today is serious since production is not keeping (193) with demand. The World Agricultural Bank can therefore be established by member-countries who have to (194) both capital as well as surplus food to the Bank. The stocks would form a corpus which would be used to assist members in (195) of distress.
The correct Answer is:B
Step by step video, text & image solution for (186) a country needs money for a development project, what can it do? It can (187) to the World Bank or Asian Development Bank for aid. A country with a foreign currency problem can ask the International Monetary Fund for (188). However, (189) there is no way out for a country which has shortage of food. The country cannot (190) import the food if it is rare like pulses which are grown only by a few countries in such cases the problem is more (191). This situation has led experts to suggest the (192) of establishing a World Agricultural Bank. The food situation today is serious since production is not keeping (193) with demand. The World Agricultural Bank can therefore be established by member-countries who have to (194) both capital as well as surplus food to the Bank. The stocks would form a corpus which would be used to assist members in (195) of distress. by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Topper's Solved these Questions
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