Man has always considered himself to be the ruler of his planet. This (176) and the attendant superiority feeling has made him look down (177) other creatures who co-exist with human on this earth. The so-called civilized human race has (178) and ill-treated small and large animal species and birds in an attempt to prove his (179) It is common knowledge that (180) number of animals have been (181) for centuries under the (182) of conducting scientific experiments or for sports. Till recently, in the (183) of scientific experiments, monkeys and frogs have been (184) to dissection and (185) in the laboratory.
The correct Answer is:D
Step by step video, text & image solution for Man has always considered himself to be the ruler of his planet. This (176) and the attendant superiority feeling has made him look down (177) other creatures who co-exist with human on this earth. The so-called civilized human race has (178) and ill-treated small and large animal species and birds in an attempt to prove his (179) It is common knowledge that (180) number of animals have been (181) for centuries under the (182) of conducting scientific experiments or for sports. Till recently, in the (183) of scientific experiments, monkeys and frogs have been (184) to dissection and (185) in the laboratory. by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Topper's Solved these Questions
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