A mercury lamp is a convenient source for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the UV to the end of the red visible spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photocell, the following lines from a mercury source were used: λ1=3650A∘,λ2=4047A∘,λ3=4358A∘,λ4=5461A∘,λ5=6907A∘ The stopping voltages, respectively were measured to be:
(a) Determine the value of Planck's constant h.
(b) Estimate the threshold frequency and work function for the material.Solution in Tamil
Obtain V0 versus ν plot. The slope of the plot is (h/e) and its intercept on the ν-axis is ν0 . The first four points lie nearly on a straight line which intercepts the ν-axis at ν0=5.0×1014Hz (threshold frequency). The fifth point corresponds to v<v0 , there is no photoelectric emission and therefore no stopping voltage is required to stop the current. Slope of the plot is found to be 4.15×10−15vs. Using e=1.6×10−19C,h=6.64×10−34Js(Standard value h =6.626×10−34Js),ϕ0=hv0=2.11V.
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View SolutionA mercury lamp is a convenient souce for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the UV to the end of the red vissible spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photocell, the following lines from a mercury source were used: λ1=3650A∘,λ2=4047A∘,λ3=4358A∘,λ4=5461A∘,λ5=6907A∘ The stopping voltages, respectively were measured to be:
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View Solutionएक पारद लैंप, प्रकाश विद्युत उत्सर्जन की आवृत्ति निर्भरता के अध्ययन के लिए एक सुविधाजनक स्त्रोत है क्योंकि यह दृश्य –स्पेक्ट्रम के परबैंगनी (UV) के लाल छोर तक कइ वर्ण रेखाएं उत्सर्जित करता हैं। रूबीडियम प्रकाश सेल के हमारे प्रयोग में पारद स्त्रोत की निम्न वर्ण रेखाओं का प्रयोग किया गया
निरोधी वोल्टताएं क्रमशः निम्न मापी गई
(a) प्लैंक स्थिरांक h का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
(b) धातु के लिए देहली आवृत्ति तथा कार्य फलन का आकलन कीजिए।
View Solutionएक पारद लैंप, प्रकाश-विद्युत उत्सर्जन की आवृत्ति निर्भरता के अध्ययन के लिए एक सुविधाजनक स्रोत है, क्योकिं यह दृश्य-स्पेक्ट्रम के पराबैगनी (UV) से लाल छोर तक कई-वर्ण रेखाएँ उत्सर्जित करता है। रूबीडियम प्रकाश सेल के हमारे प्रयोग में, पारद (Mercury) स्रोत की निम्न वर्ण-रेखाओं का प्रयोग किया गया :
निरोधी वोल्टताएँ, क्रमशः निम्न मापी गई :
प्लैंक स्थिरांक h का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
[ नोट : उपयुर्क्त आँकड़ों से h का मान ज्ञात करने के लिए आपको e=1.6x10−19C की आवश्यकता होगी। इस प्रकार के प्रयोग Na,Li,K आदि के लिए मिलिकन ने किए थे। मिलिकन ने अपने तेल-बूँद प्रयोग से प्राप्त e के मान का उपयोग कर आइंस्टाइन के प्रकाश-विद्युत समीकरण को सत्यापित किया तथा इन्ही प्रेक्षणों से h के मान के लिए पृथक अनुमान लगाया। ]
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View SolutionA mercury lamp is a convenient source for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the Uv to the red end of the visible spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photo-cell, the following lines from a mercury source were used:
The stopping voltages, respectively, were measured to be:
Determine the value of Planck’s constant h, the threshold frequency and work function for the material.
[Note: You will notice that to get h from the data, you will need to know e (which you can take to be 1.6×10−19C). Experiments of this kind on Na, Li, K, etc. were performed by Millikan, who, using his own value of e (from the oil-drop experiment) confirmed Einstein’s photoelectric equation and at the same time gave an independent estimate of the value of h.]
View SolutionA mercury lamp is a convenient source for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the Uv to the red end of the visible spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photo-cell, the following lines from a mercury source were used:
The stopping voltages, respectively, were measured to be:
Determine the value of Planck’s constant h, the threshold frequency and work function for the material.
[Note: You will notice that to get h from the data, you will need to know e (which you can take to be 1.6×10−19C). Experiments of this kind on Na, Li, K, etc. were performed by Millikan, who, using his own value of e (from the oil-drop experiment) confirmed Einstein’s photoelectric equation and at the same time gave an independent estimate of the value of h.]
View SolutionA mercury lamp is a convenient source for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the Uv to the red end of the visible spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photo-cell, the following lines from a mercury source were used: lambda_(1) = 3650 Å, lambda_(2) = 4047 Å, lambda_(3) = 4358 Å, lambda_(4) = 5461 Å, lambda_(5) = 6907 Å , The stopping voltages, respectively, were measured to be: V_(01) = 1.28 V, V_(02) = 0.95 V, V_(03) = 0.74 V, V_(04) = 0.16 V, V_(05) = 0 V Determine the value of Planck’s constant h, the threshold frequency and work function for the material. [Note: You will notice that to get h from the data, you will need to know e (which you can take to be 1.6 xx 10^(-19) C ). Experiments of this kind on Na, Li, K, etc. were performed by Millikan, who, using his own value of e (from the oil-drop experiment) confirmed Einstein’s photoelectric equation and at the same time gave an independent estimate of the value of h.]
View SolutionA mercury lamp is a convenient source for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the UV to the red and end of the visible spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photocell, the following lines from a mercury source were used:
The stopping voltages, respectively, were measured to be:
Determine the value of Planck's constant h, the threshold frequency and work function for the material.
View Solutionएक पारद लैंप, प्रकाश विद्युत उत्सर्जन की आवृत्ति निर्भरता के अध्ययन के लिए एक सुविधाजनक स्त्रोत है क्योंकि यह दृश्य –स्पेक्ट्रम के परबैंगनी (UV) के लाल छोर तक कइ वर्ण रेखाएं उत्सर्जित करता हैं रूबीडियम प्रकाश सेल के हमारे प्रयोग में पारद स्त्रोत की निम्न वर्ण रेखाओं का प्रयोग किया गया
निरोधी वोल्टताएं क्रमशः निम्न मापी गई
(a) प्लैंक स्थिरांक h का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
(b) धातु के लिए देहली आवृत्ति तथा कार्य फलन का आकलन कीजिए।
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