Fill in the blanks:
(a) Pneumonia is an example of……………….disease.
(b) Many skin diseases are caused by……………….
(c) Antibiotics commonly block biochemical pathways important for the growth of……………..
(d) Living organisms carrying the infectiing agents from one person to another are called...................
(a) Infectious (communicable) disease,
(b) fungi,
(c) bacteria,
(d) vectors
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Fill in the blanks,
a) ……………. Disesase continues for many days and causes…………… on body.
b) …………….. Disease continue for a few days and causes no longer term effect on body.
c) ……………….. Is defined as physical, mental and socila well-being and comfort.
d) Common cold is........... disease.
e) Many skin disease ae caused by....................
View SolutionFill in the following blanks with suitable words :
(a) Decomposer organisms are ……….. In their action.
(b) In nature, all green plants are ………... Whereas animals are consumers.
(c) A series of organisms, each of which feeds on the next organism, the beginning of which is a green plant, is called a .............
(d) The science that deals with the inter-relationships of living things with one another and their environment is called ..........
(e) Plastic is a ................. material whereas paper is a .......... meterial.
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Knowledge Check
The organism which carries a disease from one organism to another is called:
AhostBvectorCparasiteDnone of theseSelect the false statements
I. An antibody is a protein molecule made by the lymphocytes.
II. An antibody binds to a specific foreign antigen and neutralizes its odd effects.
III. A type of acquired immune response is called cell mediated immunity. This type of immunity is mediated by lymphocytes.
IV. Cancer is contagious and cells can spread from one person to another.
V. Cancerous cells are highly differentiated cells.
VI.CAncer detection is based on biopsy and histopathological studies of the tissue adn blood.
VII. Techniques like radiography, CT and MRI are very useful to detect cancers of the internal organs.
VIII. Diseases which are easily transmitted from one personto another, are called ifectious diseases.
IX.AIDS is non infectious and cancer is infectious disease.
X> Salmonella typhi is a pathogenic bacterium which causes typhoid fever in human beings.
XI. Sustained high fever (39∘ to 40∘C) weakness, stomach pain, constipation, headache and loss of appetite are some of the common symptoms of typhoid.
XII. Nicotine stimulates thyroid gland.
XIII. Smoking increases CO2 content in blood.
XIV. AIDS has no cure, prevention is the best option.
XV. HIV/AIDS infected people should be shunned by society.AI,IVBIV,V,IX,XII,XIII,XVCAllDNone of theseFill in the blanks:
a. Simple organisms like sponges and coelenterates circulate …1… from their surroundings through their body cavities of facilitate the cells to exchange of O2,CO2, nutrients and waste products.
b. More complex organisms used special fluids within their bodies to transport such materials. The ...2... is most commonly used body fluid by most of the higher organisms including humans for this purpose.
c. Another body fluid ...3... also helps in the transport of certain substances.A1-lymph, 2-water, 3-bloodB3-lymph, 1-water, 2-bloodC2-lymph, 3-water, 1-bloodD2-lymph, 1-water, 3-blood
fill in the following blanks with suitable words :
(A) An element is made up only one kind of ………….
(b) Brine is a ………. Whereas alcohol is a ……………. .
( c) Brass is an alloy which is considered a …………..
(d) the three important metalloids are ................ , .............. and .....................
(e) the elements which are sonorous are called ..............
View SolutionFill in the blanks :
(i) Excessive fatness of the body due to an abnormal increase of fat in the sub-cutaneous connective tissue is called…………..
(ii) Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are also called ……….. Diseases.
(iii) Syphilis is caused by ........... and gonorrhoea is caused by............
(iv) A chronic morbid disorder in which the patient resports to repeated excessive eating followed by selfinduced vomiting and purging is called.............
(v) A mental disorder in which person believes himself to be fat and develops an aversion to food is called ..........
(vi) A spychosomatic dosorder, related to anxiety commonly prevalent in adolescents who become under concerned about health is called............
(vi) Normally all adolesecents have some ............, an erupitive skin disease caused by inflammation of ............ glands, chiefly on the face.
View SolutionFill in the blanks : (a) The aggregation of individuals of species is called ………. .
(b) The relationship where one organism is benefitted , while the other is neither benefitted nor harmed , is referred as ….. .
(c) Organisms preying on animals are called ..... .
(d) An association of two species in which both species are benefitted is called .... .
View SolutionFill in the blanks
(a) Five kingdom classification of living organisms is given by ……… .
(b) Basic smallest unit of classification is ……. .
(c ) Prokaryotes are grouped in kingdom ……. .
(d) Paramecium is a Protista because of its ....... .
(e) Fungi do not contain ....... .
(f) A fungus..... can be seen without microscope.
(g) Common fungi used in preparing the bread is ....... .
(h) Algae and fungi form symbiotic association called ....... .
(a) Whittaker (b) Species (c ) Monera (d) Single cell
(e) Chlorophyll (f) Mycelium (g) Moulds (h) Lichen
View SolutionGiven below are four statements (A–D ) each with one or two blanks. Select the option which correctly fills up the blanks.
Statements :
(A) Miller and Urey while creating probable conditions on the primitive earth in the laboratory used mixture of methane, water vapors , is hydrogen , and ........(i)......
(B) Information of extinct organisms can be obtained by the help of ....(i) .... evidence which can be very easily isolated from ....(ii) .... types of rocks .
(C) Darwin selection can be concluded with the introduction of ...(i)... in organisms .
(D) Natural selection can be concluded with the introduction of ........(i) organisms.
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