Why should organic foods be preferred over conventional foods ?

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The conventional foods are raised using chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. These agrochemicals are often toxic, xenobiotic (human made) and nonbiodegradable. These agrochemicals pass into conventional foods in small traces. Repeated use of conventional foods increases the concentrations of agrochemicals in our bodies. Ultimately they become toxic and cause a number of ailments (e.g., cancers) and harms can occur to us or our pets. By rains and floods, chemical fertilizers are washed out from crop fields and contaminate and pollute our water bodies such as ground water and surface water such as ponds, lakes ecological accidents such as depletion of oxygen in water and death of aquatic life such as fishes.
On the other hand, organic foods are free from any traces of agrochemicals as they are raised by using manures, biofertilizers (e.g., Nitrogen fixing crops and cyanobacteria), biopesticides (neem products) and biological control. Being nontoxic, organic foods should be preferred over conventional foods. Manure used in raising organic foods is environmentally clean method of disposing off and recycling organic wastes.
