Compute the median for the following cumulative frequency distribution:
Compute the median for the following cumulative frequency distribution:

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As,we are given the cumulative frequency distribution.
So, we first construct a frequency table from the given cumulative frequency distribution
[ C l a s s F r e q u e n c y ( f ) ( c . f . ) 20 - 30 4 4 30 - 40 12 16 40 - 50 14 30 50 - 60 16 46 60 - 70 20 66 70 - 80 16 82 80 - 90 10 92 90 - 100 8 100 ]
so, N = 100
( N 2 ) = 50
We observe that the cumulative frequency just greater than N 2 = 50 is 66
and the corresponding class is 60−70.
So, 60−70 is the median class.
so, l = 60 , f = 20 , F = 46 and h = 10
Median = l + N 2 F f × h
⇒Median= 60 + 50 46 20 × 10 = 62
