y(x,t)=0.8/[4x+5t)2+5] represents a moving pulse, where x and y are in meter and t in second. Then
pulse is moving in +x-direction
in 2 s it will travel a distance of 2.5 m
its maximum displacement is 0.16 m
it is a symmetric pulse
The correct Answer is:B, C, D
Given y=0.8(4x+5t)2=0.816[x+55t]2+5….(i)
We know that equation of moving pulse is
on comparing Eqs (i) and (ii), we get
wave will travel a distance of 2.5m in 2s.
y is maximum when (16(x+5t4)2+5)is minimum
which is when x+5t4=0→ymax=0.85=0.16m
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(ii) The wave speed.
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