In a throw of two dice , what is the probability of gatting a 7 or 11 ?

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Let A be the event of throwing a 7 and B be the event of throwing (65) or (56) for a total of 11
Since these event are mutually exclusive P(ZB)=P(A)P(B)=636+236=836
In conditional probability , the sample space is reducced to the set B rather thatn the set of all out
comes , and the favorable outcomes are those in both A and B (AB)=P(AB) is the probability
that A occurs given that B occurred . This results in the formula P(AB)=P(AB)P(B) .
Multiplying both sides of this equation by P(B) produces the equivalent formula P(AB)=
P(B) P(A)b) . If the probability of event A occurring does not depend on whether event B occurs.
then A and B are said to be indepancent P(A|B) = P(A) . thus , if A and B are indepandent
event ,P(AB)=(P(B).P(A) .
