If you want mate to stop guessing about your feelings and motives, you have to be prepared to reveal yourself. And in order to reveal yourself, you have to know yourself profoundly. You can't talk openly and honestly with your mate until you have tried being honest with yourself first. Take time off to be alone. Use that time not simply to engage in passive meditation, but to carry on an active inner dialogue with yourself. Between the person you think you are and the inner you that operates at gut level. COmmunicating with yourself involves revelation, self-analysis and re-evalution . Change is impossible otherwise. No architect in any field will attempt to make new plans without assessing the present situation. So too, each of us can and must make an assessment of our own assets or liabilities.
You can talk openly and honestly to your mate only when you
reveal your emotions and feelings
are honest with him
do not engage yourself in passive meditation
are honest with yourself
The correct Answer is:D
Step by step video, text & image solution for If you want mate to stop guessing about your feelings and motives, you have to be prepared to reveal yourself. And in order to reveal yourself, you have to know yourself profoundly. You can't talk openly and honestly with your mate until you have tried being honest with yourself first. Take time off to be alone. Use that time not simply to engage in passive meditation, but to carry on an active inner dialogue with yourself. Between the person you think you are and the inner you that operates at gut level. COmmunicating with yourself involves revelation, self-analysis and re-evalution . Change is impossible otherwise. No architect in any field will attempt to make new plans without assessing the present situation. So too, each of us can and must make an assessment of our own assets or liabilities. You can talk openly and honestly to your mate only when you by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
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