It has often been said that the scale of natural phenomena in India and her total dependence on the monsoon, have helped to form the character of her people. Even today, major disasters, such as flood, famine and plaque are hard to check and in older times, their control was almost impossible. Many other ancient civilisations, such as those of the Greeks , Romans and Chinese had to contend with hard winters, which encouraged sturdiness and resourcfulness. India, on the hand, was blessed by a bounteous nature, who demanded little of man in return for sustenance, but in her terrible anger could not be appeased by any human effort. Hence, it has been suggested, the Indian character has tended to quietism, accepting fortune and misfortune alike without complaint.
The auther's main argument is
description of natural phenomena of India
unpredictaibility of Indian monsoon
correlation between the climate and the character of the inhabitants of a region
hardships caused by natural calamities
The correct Answer is:C
Step by step video, text & image solution for It has often been said that the scale of natural phenomena in India and her total dependence on the monsoon, have helped to form the character of her people. Even today, major disasters, such as flood, famine and plaque are hard to check and in older times, their control was almost impossible. Many other ancient civilisations, such as those of the Greeks , Romans and Chinese had to contend with hard winters, which encouraged sturdiness and resourcfulness. India, on the hand, was blessed by a bounteous nature, who demanded little of man in return for sustenance, but in her terrible anger could not be appeased by any human effort. Hence, it has been suggested, the Indian character has tended to quietism, accepting fortune and misfortune alike without complaint. The auther's main argument is by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
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